Vitaliy Ivanovych Bondar Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, professor, current member in the National Ukrainian Pedagogical Academy.

He was born on October 20, 1938 in tthe village New Vodolaga, Kharkiv region. He got education at the Kiev State Pedagogical Institute after A. Gorkiy at the department of Defectology. After graduation he continued studying and working at the department as one of the best students. Later he got education as a postgraduator in the Research Institute of Defectology in Moscow, where he finished his thesis "the influence of teaching character on the formation of the labor moving activities for students in the primary school." This research was very important for the organisating of labor training, formation of specific labor skills, education of work culture and correction of mental aspects for students.

Since 1972 to 1974 was sent to Cuba by the the order of the Ministry of Education, where he worked as an advisor on defectology. On coming back to Ukrainiane he worked as a associate professor of Oligophrenopedagogics, after it as a Deputy Dean, Dean of the faculty of Defectolody in Kiev State Pedagogical Institute named after A. Gorky. At the same time scientist prepared and defended his doctoral thesis "Development of the theory and practice of vocational working trainings for students in supporting schools of Ukraine". It was a great contribution to the history of Ukrainian defectology.

V.I.Bondar's research results serve as a conceptual guide for the development of curriculums, programs and textbooks for secondary school students. Vitaliy Ivanovych Bondar is a Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, professor, current member in the National Ukrainian Pedagogical Academy

Since 1993 to 2009  V. Bondar was the first headmaster in the Institute of Defectology in the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences. During his work the human resources of the Institute got wider,he has opened new research units, established and developed international cjnnection with scientists from Russia, Kazakhstans, Canada, the Netherlands, Poland and other countries.

V.I. Bondar is famous for a significant achievement, developing a new collectible method of education on the basis of which were created "The concept of special education for people with special needs in Ukraine in future", "State standard of special education" and "Concept of reabilitation of children with disabilities and children with physical and mental capabilities. "'

V.I.Bondar also worked on "social maturity" and considerably enriched its content and scope. He supposes that main sign of social maturity of the individual is the level of formation of moral and ethical qualities which characterize the degree of awareness of social activity and understand its manifestations in various activities. He also considers that the level of motivation of social activity, the degree of mastery of special knowledge, abilities and skills as essential components of social and labor maturity are greatly important. The research has fully detailed norms and indicators of social and labor adaptation of mentally retarded students.

By V.I.Bondar's efforts and his active participation in the development of psychological and pedagogical foundations of professional and labor training the Ministry of Education of Ukraine decided to support schools organizing ten classes of industrial training.

  • The first criterion contain the formation of outlook, moral - and ethical concepts that characterize the relationship between the individual and work, the performance of its duties. You can indicate this criterion by hard work, perseverance, teamwork, integrity, behavior and culture work.
  • The scientist considers that the second criterion is the degree of psychological readiness of the individual to work, mastering it and its implementation. Indicators of psychological readiness are professional skills, interests, needs and the feeling of usefulness.

Later B.I. Bondar has directed research interest on psychological and educational problems of vocational trainings for students with mental retardation and combination of education with productive labor, preparation for independent living. It is important to notice that this scientist is the initiator, founder and the main editor of the scientific and methodological magazine "Defectology", which raised topical issues in the field of special pedagogy and psychology.

His scientific achievements consist of more than 250 works on various aspects of training and education of children with special needs.

  • "Psychology formation of labor skills for students " (1980)
  • "Working learning in the primary school" (1981)
  • "Preparing

students to school by self-employment" (1996)

  • "Physics: Handbook

for 7 grade of the special school "(1996)

  • "The problems of

correctional education in special pedagogy "(2005).

  • "History of

Oligophrenopedagogics "(2007).

Vitaly Ivanovich gives an impressive breadth by his research. The scientist also agreed with modern scientists who determined to help children with different types of disontohenet. He thought that the issue of inclusive education should not be settled in the form of abstract examination of cognitive activity of the child.

The thoughts and ideas of outstanding academician are extremely valuable for the current generation and young researchers.''