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{{cite encyclopedia |last= |first= |author-link= |editor-last= |editor-first= |editor-link= |encyclopedia= |title= |trans-title= |url= |access-date= |language= |edition= |date= |year= |publisher= |series= |volume= |location= |id= |isbn= |oclc= |doi= |pages= |archive-url= |archive-date= |dead-url= |quote= |ref=}}


Розмітка Рендериться як
{{cite encyclopedia |last=Golden |first=Peter B. |author-link=Peter Benjamin Golden |editor1-last=Golden |editor1-first=Peter B.     |editor1-link=Peter Benjamin Golden |editor2-last=Ben-Shammai |editor2-first=Haggai |editor3-last=Róna-Tas |editor3-first=András |editor3-link=András Róna-Tas |encyclopedia=The World of the Khazars: New Perspectives |title=Khazar Studies: Achievements and Perspectives |url={{google books |plainurl=y |id=3ZzXjdyK-CEC|page=7}} |date=2007a |publisher=BRILL |series=Handbook of Oriental Studies |volume=17 |isbn=978-9-004-16042-2 |pages=7–57}}

Golden, Peter B. (2007a). Khazar Studies: Achievements and Perspectives. У Golden, Peter B.; Ben-Shammai, Haggai; Róna-Tas, András (ред.). The World of the Khazars: New Perspectives. Handbook of Oriental Studies. Т. 17. BRILL. с. 7—57. ISBN 978-9-004-16042-2.

Розмітка Рендериться як
{{cite encyclopedia |archive-url=https://www.webcitation.org/query?id=1257036681681058 |title=Idaho |encyclopedia=MSN Encarta |url=http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761565515/Idaho.html |archive-date=1 November 2009}}

Idaho. MSN Encarta. Архів оригіналу за 1 November 2009.

Розмітка Рендериться як
{{cite encyclopedia |last=Seberg |first=Ole |editor1-last=Heywood |editor1-first=Vernon H. |editor2-last=Brummitt |editor2-first=Richard K. |editor3-last=Culham |editor3-first=Alastair |title=Alliaceae |encyclopedia=Flowering Plant Families of the World |url={{google books |plainurl=y |id=Jy1FAQAAIAAJ|page=340}}|date=2007 |publisher=Firefly Books |location=Richmond Hill, Ontario |isbn=978-1-55407-206-4 |pages=340–341}}

Seberg, Ole (2007). Alliaceae. У Heywood, Vernon H.; Brummitt, Richard K.; Culham, Alastair (ред.). Flowering Plant Families of the World. Richmond Hill: Firefly Books.

Розмітка Рендериться як
{{cite encyclopedia |last=Gerish |first=Deborah |editor-last=Murray |editor-first=Alan V. |title=Aimery of Lusignan |encyclopedia=The Crusades: An Encyclopedia  |url=https://books.google.com/books?id=6cSXSgAACAAJ |date=2006 |publisher=ABC-CLIO |volume=1 |location=Santa Barbara |oclc=70122512 |pages=24}}

Gerish, Deborah (2006). Aimery of Lusignan. У Murray, Alan V. (ред.). The Crusades: An Encyclopedia. Т. 1. Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO. с. 24. OCLC 70122512.

Розмітка Рендериться як
{{cite encyclopedia |last=Morère |encyclopedia=Dictionary of Scientific Biography |isbn=0-684-10114-9 |first=J. E. |publisher=Charles Scribner's Sons |title=Aguilon, François d' |volume=1 |location=New York |pages=81 |date=1970}}

Morère, J. E. (1970). Aguilon, François d'. Dictionary of Scientific Biography. Т. 1. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. с. 81. ISBN 0-684-10114-9.

Розмітка Рендериться як
{{cite encyclopedia |last=Smith |encyclopedia=A concise encyclopedia of the Bahá'í Faith |isbn=1-85168-184-1 |first=Peter |publisher=Oneworld Publications |title=satan |location=Oxford |pages=304 |date=2000}}

Smith, Peter (2000). satan. A concise encyclopedia of the Bahá'í Faith. Oxford: Oneworld Publications. с. 304. ISBN 1-85168-184-1.

Розмітка Рендериться як
{{cite encyclopedia |last=Wallace |first=William A. |editor-last=Gillispie |editor-first=Charles |title=Albertus Magnus, Saint |encyclopedia=Dictionary of Scientific Biography |date=1970 |publisher=Scribner & American Council of Learned Societies  |volume=1 |location=New York |isbn=978-0-684-10114-9 |pages=99-103}}

Wallace, William A. (1970). Albertus Magnus, Saint. У Gillispie, Charles (ред.). Dictionary of Scientific Biography. Т. 1. New York: Scribner & American Council of Learned Societies. с. 99—103. ISBN 978-0-684-10114-9.

Розмітка Рендериться як
{{cite encyclopedia |last=Morse |encyclopedia=Law Library – American Law and Legal Information |first=Stephen J. |archive-date=25 September 2008 |title=Psychopathy – What Is Psychopathy? |volume=Crime and Justice Vol 3 |archive-url=https://www.webcitation.org/5b5vnGYP0 |url=http://law.jrank.org/pages/1884/Psychopathy-What-psychopathy.html8}}

Morse, Stephen J. Psychopathy – What Is Psychopathy?. Law Library – American Law and Legal Information. Т. Crime and Justice Vol 3. Архів оригіналу за 25 September 2008.

Див. також