Шаблон:Картка збройного конфлікту

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Оригінальний шаблон

Битва при Акції
Громадянська війна в Римській республіці
The Battle of Actium, Lorenzo A. Castro, 1672.Битва при Акції
(Лоренцо A. Кастро, 1672)
Дата: 2 вересня 31 до н.е.
Місце: Іонійське море, поблизу колонії Акцій, Греція
Результат: Вирішальна перемога Октавіана
Римська Республіка Птолемейський Єгипет,
Римські повстанці
Марк Віпсаній Агріппа Марк Антоній
Військові сили
400 кораблів, переважно малі лібурнійські судна з 16 000 легіонерів та 3 000 лучників. 230 кораблів, переважно квінквереми, 30/50 транспортних...
невідомо майже весь флот Антонія
втрати серед цивільного населення

Новий шаблон

Битва при Акції
Громадянська війна в Римській республіці
The Battle of Actium, Lorenzo A. Castro, 1672.Битва при Акції
(Лоренцо A. Кастро, 1672)
Дата2 вересня 31 до н.е.
МісцеІонійське море, поблизу колонії Акцій, Греція
Результат Вирішальна перемога Октавіана
Римська Республіка Птолемейський Єгипет,
Римські повстанці
Марк Віпсаній Агріппа Марк Антоній
400 кораблів, переважно малі лібурнійські судна з 16 000 легіонерів та 3 000 лучників. 230 кораблів, переважно квінквереми, 30/50 транспортних...
невідомо майже весь флот Антонія
втрати серед цивільного населення



Картка збройного конфлікту (іноді назвиється карткою війни) може використовуватися для узагальнення інформаці про певний збройний конфлікт (битву, кампанію, війну, або групу пов'язаних воєн) за загальним принципом.

Інформація узагальнена в картці має відповідати загальним настановам написання преамбули. Вона не повинна "висувати претензії" або відображати матеріал який не висвітлюється в самій статті. As with a lead section, there is some discretion in citing information in an infobox. The same guidance should be applied to an infobox as given for citations in a lead section. Information in an infobox must conform with verifiability, point-of-view and other policies.

Information in the infobox should not be "controversial". Refer the reader to an appropriate section in the article or leave the parameter blank rather than make an unsubstantiated or doubtful claim.

The infobox should be added using the {{картка збройного конфлікту}} template, as shown below:

{{Картка збройного конфлікту
| conflict    = 
| width       = 
| partof      = 
| image       = 
| caption     = 
| date        = 
| place       = 
| coordinates = 
| map_type    = 
| map_relief  = 
| latitude    = 
| longitude   = 
| map_size    = 
| map_marksize = 
| map_caption = 
| map_label   = 
| territory   = 
| result      = 
| status      = 
| combatants_header = 
| комбатант1  = 
| комбатант2  = 
| комбатант3  = 
| командувач1  = 
| командувач2  = 
| командувач3  = 
| підрозділи1      = 
| підрозділи2      = 
| підрозділи3      = 
| сили1   = 
| сили2   = 
| сили3   = 
| втрати1 = 
| втрати2 = 
| втрати3 = 
| notes       = 
| campaignbox = 

Note: When using parameters, avoid the ambiguous abbreviation "N/A", and instead use "unknown" or "none". All subjective or qualitative judgements and numerical quantities or statistics must be cited to a reliable source (see WP:MILMOS#CITE).


  • conflict – the name of the conflict being described (e.g. "Battle of Lützen" or "World War I").
  • width - optional - the width of the infobox, e.g. "400px"; defaults to: "315px".
  • partofoptional – the larger conflict containing the event described in the article. For battles or campaigns, this should be the war during which the event takes place; for particularly large wars, this may include a theatre (e.g. "the Eastern Front of World War II"). For wars, the parameter may be used to link to a larger group of wars (e.g. the Italian War of 1521–26 to the Italian Wars). It may be necessary to insert "the" before the name of the war for proper grammar.
  • imageoptional – an image for the warbox. The image must be given in the form [[File:Example.jpg|300px|alt=Example alt text]]; in particular, the thumb attribute must not be selected.
  • image_sizeoptional – a size for the image.
  • captionoptional – the text to be placed below the image.
  • dateoptional – the date of the conflict described. Convention is to give the actual date for battles and the years for wars, but this does not always apply.
  • place – the location of the conflict. For conflicts covering a wide area, a general description (e.g. "France", or "Europe", or "Worldwide") may be used.
  • coordinatesoptional – the location of the structure, given as a coordinate pair by using {{coord}} with display=inline,title.
  • map_typeoptional – the base map to be used for the location map, e.g. "Scotland"; see {{location map}} for more details.
  • map_reliefoptional – "yes" if the location map is a relief map; see {{location map}} for more details.
  • latitudeoptional – latitude for placing the marker on the location map, e.g. "56.81".
  • longitudeoptional – longitude for placing the marker on the location map, e.g. "-2.68".
  • map_sizeoptional – width of the location map in pixels (px), e.g. "150"; defaults to: "220".
  • map_markoptional – the name of a file to use as the location map marker, e.g. Green_pog.svg; defaults to: "Red_pog.svg".
  • map_marksizeoptional – width of the location map marker in pixels (px), e.g. "10"; defaults to: "8".
  • map_captionoptional – caption displayed below the location map; defaults to "Location within {{{map_type}}}", e.g. "Location within Scotland".
  • map_labeloptional – the label placed next to the marker on the location map.
  • territoryoptional – any changes in territorial control as a result of the conflict; this should not be used for overly lengthy descriptions of the peace settlement.
  • actionoptional – In case of Coup d'État, short description of modus operandi, e.g. "...marched over the city...", "...dissolving the Congress of the Republic...", "...take the government hostage ...", "...put the country under military control ...", etc.
  • resultoptional – this parameter may use one of two standard terms: "X victory" or "Inconclusive". The term used is for the "immediate" outcome of the "subject" conflict and should reflect what the sources say. In cases where the standard terms do not accurately describe the outcome, a link or note should be made to the section of the article where the result is discussed in detail (such as "See the Aftermath section"). Such a note can also be used in conjunction with the standard terms but should not be used to conceal an ambiguity in the "immediate" result. Do not introduce non-standard terms like "decisive", "marginal" or "tactical", or contradictory statements like "decisive tactical victory but strategic defeat". Omit this parameter altogether rather than engage in speculation about which side won or by how much.
  • statusoptional – for ongoing conflicts, the current status of the conflict. This should not be used if a final result (above) is provided.
  • combatants_headeroptional – sets the header text for the combatants section. Default is "Belligerents". In case of Coup d'État, use "Government-Insurgents   "
  • combatant1/combatant2/combatant3optional – the parties participating in the conflict. This is most commonly the countries whose forces took part in the conflict; however, larger groups (such as alliances or international organizations) or smaller ones (such as particular units, formations, or groups) may be indicated if doing so improves reader understanding. When there is a large number of participants, it may be better to list only the three or four major groups on each side of the conflict, and to describe the rest in the body of the article. The combatant3 field may be used if a conflict has three distinct "sides", and should be left blank on other articles. Combatants should be listed in order of importance to the conflict, be it in terms of military contribution, political clout, or a recognized chain of command. If differing metrics can support alternative lists, then ordering is left to the editors of the particular article.
    • combatant1a/combatant2a/combatant3aoptional – in cases where the parties significantly changed over the course of the conflict, these subsidiary fields may be used to provide additional rows for the combatantN fields (above).
    • combatant1b/combatant2b/combatant3boptional – additional row, as above.
    • combatant1c/combatant2c/combatant3coptional – additional row, as above.
    • combatant1d/combatant2d/combatant3doptional – additional row, as above.
  • commander1/commander2/commander3optional – the commanders of the military forces involved. For battles, this should include military commanders (and other officers as necessary). For wars, only prominent or notable leaders should be listed, with an upper limit of about seven per combatant column recommended. Ranks and position titles should be omitted. The {{KIA}} and {{POW}} templates may be included immediately after the names of commanders who were killed in action or surrendered and were taken prisoner, respectively. The commander3 field can only be used if the combatant3 field is set.
  • units1/units2/units3optional – the units or formations involved. If a large number of distinct formations is present, it may be better to reference an order of battle in the body of the article than to include the entire list in this field. The units3 field can only be used if the combatant3 field is set.
  • strength1/strength2optional – the numerical strength of the units involved.
  • polstrength1/polstrength2optional – In case of Coup d'Etat, political organizations that supported the government (1) respective the insurgents (2).
  • milstrength1/milstrength2optional – In case of Coup d'Etat, military units that supported the government (1) respective the insurgents (2).
  • strength3optional – if combatant3 is set, this is a third strength field identical to the two above; if it is not set, this is an alternate combined field for use where only the total participation in a conflict is known.
  • casualties1/casualties2optional – casualties suffered, including dead, wounded, missing, captured, and civilian deaths. Terms such as "dead" (or "killed"), "wounded", or "captured" should be used in place of abbreviations such as "KIA" or "POW".
  • casualties3optional – if combatant3 is set, this is a third casualty field identical to the two above; if it is not set, this is an alternate combined field for use where only the total casualties of a conflict are known, or where civilian casualties cannot be directly attributed to either side.
  • notesoptional – optional field for further notes; this should only be used in exceptional circumstances.
  • campaignboxoptional – optional field for appending a campaignbox template to the bottom of the infobox, which allows both boxes to float as a single element (useful if there are subsequent left floating images, which would otherwise not be able to float above the campaign box); the template must be specified in the format {{Campaignbox XYZ}}.



Для використання цього шаблону можна скопіювати наступний код:


{{Військова кампанія
| назва      = {{subst:PAGENAME}}
| кампанія   = {{subst:PAGENAME}}
| битви      = 
| зауваження = 
| категорія  = 




Назва шаблону. Ви можете поставити {{subst:PAGENAME}} заміть цього значення.
Назва військової кампанії. Ви можете поставити {{subst:PAGENAME}} заміть цього значення.
Перелік битв. Перелік слід робити в одну лінію.


Категорія або категорії до яких буде додана кожна сторінка з цим шаблоном.

Див. також


{{Infobox operational plan
| name        = 
| partof      =
| image       = 
| caption     = 
| scope       =
| type        =
| location    =
| coordinates = 
| map_type    = 
| latitude    = 
| longitude   = 
| map_size    = 
| map_caption = 
| map_label   = 
| planned     = 
| planned_by  = 
| objective   = 
| target      =
| date        = <!-- {{Start date|YYYY|MM|DD|df=y}} --> 
| time        =
| time-begin  =
| time-end    =
| timezone    =
| executed_by = 
| outcome     = 
| casualties  = 
| fatalities  =
| injuries    =


Це документація TemplateData для шаблону Картка збройного конфлікту, яка використовується Візуальним редактором та іншими інструментами.

Summarize information about a particular military conflict (a battle, campaign, war, or group of related wars).

Параметри шаблону[Управління TemplateData]

Для цього шаблону краще блокове форматування параметрів.


The name of the conflict being described.

Короткий текстобов'язковий

Width of the infobox.

За замовчуванням
Part ofpartof

The larger conflict containing the event described in the article.

Назва сторінкинеобов'язковий

An image for the warbox given in the form Example.jpg.

Image sizeimage_size

The size of the image


The text to be placed below the image.


The date of the conflict described. Convention is to give the actual date for battles and the years for wars, but this does not always apply.


The location of the conflict.


The location of the structure, given as a coordinate pair by using {{coord}} with display=inline,title.

Map Typemap_type

The base map to be used for the location map, e.g. "Scotland"; see {{location map}} for more details.

Map Reliefmap_relief

"yes" if the location map is a relief map.


Latitude for placing the marker on the location map.


Longitude for placing the marker on the location map.

Map Sizemap_size

Width of the location map in pixels (px).

За замовчуванням
Map Markermap_mark

File to use as the location map marker.

За замовчуванням
Map Marker Sizemap_marksize

Width of the location map marker in pixels (px).

За замовчуванням
Map Captionmap_caption

Caption displayed below the location map.

За замовчуванням
Location within {{{map_type}}}
Map Labelmap_label

The label placed next to the marker on the location map.

Короткий текстнеобов'язковий

Any changes in territorial control as a result of the conflict; this should not be used for overly lengthy descriptions of the peace settlement.


this parameter may use one of several standard terms: "X victory", "Decisive X victory" or "Inconclusive". The choice of term should reflect what the sources say. In cases where the standard terms do not accurately describe the outcome, a link to the section of the article where the result is discussed in detail (such as "See the 'Aftermath' section") should be used instead of introducing non-standard terms like "marginal" or "tactical" or contradictory statements like "decisive tactical victory but strategic defeat". It is better to omit this parameter altogether than to engage in speculation about which side won or by how much.

Короткий текстнеобов'язковий

For ongoing conflicts, the current status of the conflict.

Короткий текстнеобов'язковий
"Combatants" Header Textcombatants_header

Sets the header text for the combatants section.

За замовчуванням
Короткий текстнеобов'язковий
Combatant 1combatant1

A party participating in the conflict.

Combatant 2combatant2

A party participating in the conflict.

Combatant 3combatant3

A party participating in the conflict. (only if the conflict has three distinct "sides")

Combatant 1acombatant1a

In cases where the parties significantly changed over the course of the conflict, this field may be used to provide additional rows for the Combatant 1 field.

Combatant 2acombatant2a

In cases where the parties significantly changed over the course of the conflict, this field may be used to provide additional rows for the Combatant 2 field.

Combatant 3acombatant3a

In cases where the parties significantly changed over the course of the conflict, this field may be used to provide additional rows for the Combatant 3 field.

Combatant 1bcombatant1b

In cases where the parties significantly changed over the course of the conflict, this field may be used to provide additional rows for the Combatant 1 field.

Combatant 2bcombatant2b

In cases where the parties significantly changed over the course of the conflict, this field may be used to provide additional rows for the Combatant 2 field.

Combatant 3bcombatant3b

In cases where the parties significantly changed over the course of the conflict, this field may be used to provide additional rows for the Combatant 3 field.

Combatant 1ccombatant1c

In cases where the parties significantly changed over the course of the conflict, this field may be used to provide additional rows for the Combatant 1 field.

Combatant 2ccombatant2c

In cases where the parties significantly changed over the course of the conflict, this field may be used to provide additional rows for the Combatant 2 field.

Combatant 3ccombatant3c

In cases where the parties significantly changed over the course of the conflict, this field may be used to provide additional rows for the Combatant 3 field.

Combatant 1dcombatant1d

In cases where the parties significantly changed over the course of the conflict, this field may be used to provide additional rows for the Combatant 1 field.

Combatant 2dcombatant2d

In cases where the parties significantly changed over the course of the conflict, this field may be used to provide additional rows for the Combatant 2 field.

Combatant 3dcombatant3d

In cases where the parties significantly changed over the course of the conflict, this field may be used to provide additional rows for the Combatant 3 field.

Commander of Combatant 1commander1

The commanders of the military forces of Combatant (1) involved.

Commander of Combatant 2commander2

The commanders of the military forces of Combatant 2 involved.

Commander of Combatant 3commander3

The commanders of the military forces of Combatant 3 involved.

Units of Combatant 1units1

The units or formations of Combatant 1 involved. If a large number of distinct formations is present, it may be better to reference an order of battle in the body of the article than to include the entire list in this field.

Units of Combatant 2units2

The units or formations of Combatant 2 involved. If a large number of distinct formations is present, it may be better to reference an order of battle in the body of the article than to include the entire list in this field.

Units of Combatant 3units3

The units or formations of Combatant 3 involved. If a large number of distinct formations is present, it may be better to reference an order of battle in the body of the article than to include the entire list in this field.

Strength of Combatant 1strength1

The numerical strength of Combatant 1.

Strength of Combatant 2strength2

The numerical strength of Combatant 2.

Strength of Combatant 3strength3

If Combatant 3 is set, this field is for the numerical strength of Combatant 3. If Combatant 3 is not set, this is an alternate combined field for use where only the total participation in a conflict is known.

Casualties of Combatant 1casualties1

Casualties suffered by Combatant 1, including dead, wounded, missing, captured, and civilian deaths. Terms such as "dead" (or "killed"), "wounded", or "captured" should be used in place of abbreviations such as "KIA" or "POW".

Casualties of Combatant 2casualties2

Casualties suffered by Combatant 2, including dead, wounded, missing, captured, and civilian deaths. Terms such as "dead" (or "killed"), "wounded", or "captured" should be used in place of abbreviations such as "KIA" or "POW".

Casualties of Combatant 3casualties3

If Combatant 3 is set, this field is for the casualties suffered by Combatant 3, including dead, wounded, missing, captured, and civilian deaths. Terms such as "dead" (or "killed"), "wounded", or "captured" should be used in place of abbreviations such as "KIA" or "POW". If combatant3 is not set, this is an alternate combined field for use where only the total casualties of a conflict are known, or where civilian casualties cannot be directly attributed to either side.


Optional field for further notes; this should only be used in exceptional circumstances.


Optional field for appending a campaignbox template to the bottom of the infobox, which allows both boxes to float as a single element (useful if there are subsequent left floating images, which would otherwise not be able to float above the campaign box); the template must be specified in the format {{Campaignbox XYZ}}.


Див. також
