The "Partnership for Successfully Competing in the Global Economy" — is a special working product of the American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine developed with input from the Chamber Board of Directors, the Chamber Policy Team, the Chamber Committees and Working Groups in conjunction with numerous respected analysts and experts with the primary goal to join key policy makers and the private sector in building a strong and competitive Ukrainian economy.



У 2009 та 2010 роках заходи проекту концентрувались на боротьбі України із глобальною фінансовою кризою, яка залишила країну в умовах дуже глибокої економічної рецесії. У відповідь на зміни в політичному та економічному середовищах Палата розробляла рекомендації та план дій стосовно найбільш актуальних сфер економіки.

2011 Report


2011-2012 Partnership

In its 2011-2012 Partnership Report the Chamber has targeted eight key economic sectors and six state policies for the commencement of this Partnership and has selected indicators to measure Ukraine’s progress in achieving competitiveness in them. These are: Economic Sectors

  • agriculture;
  • banking and financial services;
  • fuel and energy;
  • information and communication technologies;
  • real estate and construction development;
  • retail trade;
  • telecommunications and data transmission;
  • travel and tourism.

State Policies

  • customs policy;
  • healthcare policy;
  • human resources and labor policy;
  • tax policy;
  • intellectual property rights;
  • anti-bribery policy.
