Шаблон:Картка монархії

{{i}} Документація шаблону[перегляд] [редагувати] [історія] [очистити кеш]

Використання ред.

від {{{incumbentsince}}}
since {{{incumbent2since}}}
Безперечний спадкоємець {{{heir_apparent}}}
Можливий спадкоємець {{{heir_presumptive}}}
Перший монарх {{{first_monarch}}}
Останній монарх {{{last_monarch}}}
Утворення {{{formation}}}
Скасування {{{abolition}}}
or {{{residences}}}
Призначає {{{appointer}}}
Претендент(и) {{{pretender}}}
Вебсайт {{{website}}}
{{Infobox monarchy
| royal_title        = <!-- Required. No wikilinks. -->
| realm              = <!-- Required. No wikilinks. -->
| native_name        = <!-- Optional. -->
| border             = <!-- Optional. Accepted values: provincial / federal / imperial -->
| coatofarms         = <!-- Optional. Just the image name, no File: or Image: coding. -->
| coatofarms_article = <!-- Required if {{{coatofarms}}} field is used. -->
| coatofarms_link    = <!-- Optional. If {{{coatofarms}}} field is used. -->
| type               = <!-- Optional. Type of style used by monarch.
                            Accepted values: commonwealth / non-commonwealth / other /
                                             other1 / other2 / other3 / other4 / saudi
                            commonwealth: Majesty,
                            non-commonwealth: Majesty,
                            other: Majesty,
                            other1: Imperial Majesty,
                            other2: Highness,
                            other3: Royal Highness,
                            other4: Serene Highness,
                            saudi: Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques -->
| his/her            = <!-- Required. -->
| image              = <!-- Optional. Just the image name, no File: or Image: coding -->
| caption            = <!-- Optional. -->
| incumbent          = <!-- Required. -->
| incumbentsince     = <!-- Optional. Enthronement date. -->
| other              = <!-- Optional. Other caption below incumbent's name instead of enthronement date. -->
| image2             = <!-- Optional. Just the image name, no File: or Image: coding -->
| caption2           = <!-- Optional. -->
| incumbent2         = <!-- Optional. for a co-principality -->
| incumbent2since    = <!-- Optional. Enthronement date. -->
| other2             = <!-- Optional. Other caption below co-incumbent's name instead of enthronement date. -->
| heir_apparent      = <!-- Optional. -->
| heir_presumptive   = <!-- Optional. -->
| first_monarch      = <!-- Required. -->
| last_monarch       = <!-- Optional. -->
| formation          = <!-- Required. Formation date. -->
| abolition          = <!-- Optional. -->
| residence          = <!-- Optional. -->
| appointer          = <!-- Optional. -->
| pretender          = <!-- Optional. -->
| website            = <!-- Optional. -->

Example ред.

King the Belgians
від 21 July 2013
Стиль His Величність
Безперечний спадкоємець Princess Elisabeth, Duchess of Brabant
Перший монарх Leopold I
Утворення 21 July 1831
Вебсайт The Belgian Monarchy
{{Infobox monarchy
| royal_title = King
| realm = the Belgians
| coatofarms = Great Coat of Arms of Belgium.svg
| coatofarms_article = Coat of arms of Belgium
| type = non-commonwealth
| image = Koning Filip van België.jpg
| incumbent = [[Philippe of Belgium|Philippe]]
| incumbentsince = 21 July 2013
| his/her = His
| heiress_apparent = [[Princess Elisabeth, Duchess of Brabant]]
| first_monarch = [[Leopold I of Belgium|Leopold I]]
| date = 21 July 1831
| website = [http://www.monarchie.be/en/ The Belgian Monarchy]

Мікроформат ред.


Див. також ред.