{{{clan name}}}
{{i}} Документація шаблону[перегляд] [редагувати] [історія] [очистити кеш]

Використання ред.

Скопіюйте текст долі:

{{{clan name}}}
{{{native name}}}
[[File:{{{image badge}}}|{{{image badge size}}}|alt={{{alt}}}|upright=0.86|{{{alt}}}]]
Нашоломник: {{{chiefs crest}}}
Девіз клану {{{chiefs motto}}}
Гасло клану {{{chiefs slogan}}}
Бойовий вигук {{{war cry}}}
Опис клану
Країна {{{country}}}
{{{region type}}} {{{region}}}
{{{district type}}} {{{district}}}
Ancestry {{{ancestry}}}
Ethnicity {{{ethnicity}}}
Символ клану {{{plant badge}}}
[[File:{{{image arms}}}|{{{image arms size}}}|alt={{{alt}}}|upright=0.45|{{{alt}}}]]
{{{chiefs name}}}
{{{chiefs title}}} ({{{chiefs gaelic title}}})
Землі клану {{{seat}}}
Історична резиденція {{{historic seat}}}
| clan name           = 
| native_name         = 
| image badge         = 
| image_size          = 
| alt                 = 
| chiefs crest        = 
| badge_caption       = 
| chiefs motto        = 
| chiefs slogan       = 
| war cry             = 
| country             = 
| region              = 
| district            = 
| ancestry            = 
| ethnicity           = 
| plant badge         = 
| animal              = 
| pipe music          = 
| chiefs name         = 
| image arms          = 
| chiefs title        = 
| chiefs gaelic title = 
| seat                = 
| historic seat       = 
| septs               = 
| branches            = 
| Allied clans        = 
| Rival clans         = 
| kindreds            = 
| titles              = 
<!-- the following information is for clans without a current chief -->
| last chiefs name    = 
| date of death of last chief = 
| commander           = 

Див. також ред.