Вікіпедія:Проєкт:Check Wikipedia/Translation: відмінності між версіями

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Рядок 489:
error_069_prio_ukwiki=-1 END
error_069_head_ukwiki=ISBNНекорректний withсинтаксис incorrect syntaxISBN END
error_069_desc_ukwiki=The script found a problem with ISBN syntax. A normal ISBN looks like ISBN 3-8001-6191-5 or ISBN 0-911266-16-X or ISBN 978-0911266160. Allowed are numbers, space, "-" and "X"/"x". Without space and "-" only 10 or 13 characters. Please don't write ISBN-10: or ISBN-13. See <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:ISBN">WP:ISBN</a>. END
Рядок 495:
error_070_prio_ukwiki=-1 END
error_070_head_ukwiki=ISBNНевірна withдовжина wrong lengthISBN END
error_070_desc_ukwiki=The script checked the ISBN and found it not containing 10 or 13 characters. ISBN should have 10 or 13 characters. END
Рядок 501:
error_071_prio_ukwiki=-1 END
error_071_head_ukwiki=ISBNНевірна withпозиція wrongсимвола positionX ofу Xкоді ISBN END
error_071_desc_ukwiki=The script checked the <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISBN">ISBNs</a> and found an ISBN where the character "X" is not at position 10. The character X is allowed only at position 10 and it represents a <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Checksum">checksum</a> of 10. END
Рядок 507:
error_072_prio_ukwiki=-1 END
error_072_head_ukwiki=Невірна контрольна сума ISBN-10 withдля wrongISBN-10 checksum END
error_072_desc_ukwiki=The script checked the ISBN and found a problem with the checksum in the ISBN-10. END
Рядок 513:
error_073_prio_ukwiki=-1 END
error_073_head_ukwiki=ISBN-13Невірна withконтрольна wrongсума checksumISBN для ISBN-13 END
error_073_desc_ukwiki=The script checked the ISBN and found a problem with the checksum in the ISBN-13. END
Рядок 543:
error_078_prio_ukwiki=-1 END
error_078_head_ukwiki=ReferenceДублювання listсекції duplicationприміток END
error_078_desc_ukwiki=The script found in the article two &lt;references ...&gt;. In some cases, one can be deleted. In other cases, it may need to be changed to &lt;ref&gt;. END