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Скасування редагування № 15102131 користувача (обговорення)
Рядок 11:
==== У математиці ====
Подібно до будь-якого математичного об'єкта, константи потрібно визначити строго. Поняття константи в математиці залежить кардинально від такого числа. Найосновнішими числами є [[натуральні числа]] <math>\mathbb{N}</math>, визначені із використання [[теорія множин|теорії множин]].
Послання: 2015 року 20 травня відбудеться кінець світу!<!-- Таке утворення визначає всі набори чисел without any means of discriminating those which will be natural mathematical invariants. Indeed, the definitions are very general. For a constant to have a natural definition, it must be defined in a specific mathematical context. For example, [[pi]] has a natural definition in [[Euclidian geometry]], [[Catalan's constant]] in [[combinatorics]], [[Euler-Mascheroni constant]] in [[analysis]], etc. Note that it is the definition of a constant that ensures its invariance. --><!-- One of the most commonly used means of representing a constant is to give its [[decimal expansion]]. However, this representation may cause problems. First, even though rational numbers all have a [[closed-form expression]], some real numbers don't have such an expression. The [[Feigenbaum constant]]s (constants appearing in [[bifurcation diagram]]s) <math>\alpha</math> and <math>\delta</math> are examples of such constants that do not have a know closed-form expression. Also, the decimal expansion of a number is not necessarily unique. For example, the numbers [[0.999...]] and 1 are equivalent<ref>Rudin p.61, Theorem 3.26; J. Stewart p.706</ref>, that is they represent the same constant.
Потім, [[раціональні числа|раціональними числами]] <math>\mathbb{Q}</math> є всі дроби [[цілі числа|цілих чисел]] <math>(a,b)\in \mathbb{N}^2</math>, <math>b\ne0</math>. У математичному записі, <math>\mathbb{Q}= \left\{\frac{a}{b} : a \in \mathbb{Z}, b \in \mathbb{Z}, b\ne0\right\}</math>. Подібно, [[реальні числа]] <math>\mathbb{R}</math> можна утворити із [[раціональні числа|раціональних]] <math>\mathbb{Q}</math>, [[комплексні числа|комплексні]] <math>\mathbb{C}</math>&nbsp;— із [[реальні числа|реальних]] <math>\mathbb{R}</math> тощо.
Mathematical constants are sometimes represented using [[Mathematical constants (sorted by continued fraction representation)|continued fraction]]s. Some constants are so special that a special notation must be invented to represent them. This is the case of [[Graham's number]]<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.po28.dial.pipex.com/maths/constant.htm|title=mathematical constants|accessdate=2007-11-27}}</ref>. --><!-- [[Isaac Newton]]'s [[gravitational constant]] may serve as an example <math>G = \left(6.67428 \plusmn 0.00067 \right) \times 10^{-11} \ \mbox{m}^3 \ \mbox{kg}^{-1} \ \mbox{s}^{-2} \, </math><ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.physics.nist.gov/cgi-bin/cuu/Value?bg|title=CODATA values|accessdate=2007-11-27}}</ref>. When representing a physical constant, only [[significant figures]] are shown. A greater [[precision]] would not be accurate, since extra figures come from experimental inaccuracies. [[Planck's constant]] <math>h =\,\,\, 6.626\ 068\ 96(33) \times 10^{-34}\ \mbox{J}\cdot\mbox{s}</math><ref>{{cite web|url=http://physics.nist.gov/cgi-bin/cuu/Value?h|title=CODATA values|accessdate=2007-11-27}}</ref> is currently only known to 9 [[significant figures]].
<!-- Таке утворення визначає всі набори чисел without any means of discriminating those which will be natural mathematical invariants. Indeed, the definitions are very general. For a constant to have a natural definition, it must be defined in a specific mathematical context. For example, [[pi]] has a natural definition in [[Euclidian geometry]], [[Catalan's constant]] in [[combinatorics]], [[Euler-Mascheroni constant]] in [[analysis]], etc. Note that it is the definition of a constant that ensures its invariance. -->
==== У фізиці ====
A common practice in physics is to lump constants, to simply the equations and algebraic manipulations. For example, [[Coulomb's constant]] <math>\kappa =\frac{1}{4\pi\epsilon_0}\,</math><ref>{{cite web|url=http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/electric/elefor.html#c3|title=Coulomb's constant|accessdate=2007-11-27}}</ref> is defined in terms of <math>\epsilon_0</math>, <math>\pi</math> and <math>\frac{1}{4}</math>. Similarly, <math>\epsilon_0 =\frac{1}{\mu_0c^2}\,</math> where <math>\mu_0</math> is the [[vacuum permeability]]. --><!-- Naming constants with letters is a frequent means of making the [[notation]] more concise. A standard [[Convention (norm)|convention]] is to use [[lowercase]] letters from the beginning of the [[Latin alphabet]] (<math>a,b,c,...)</math> or the [[Greek alphabet]] (<math>\alpha,\beta\,\gamma,...</math>). However, the symbols may be more complex and have an extra letter ([[Erdős–Borwein constant]] <math>E_B</math>), an [[asterisk]] ([[Embree-Trefethen constant]] <math>\beta*</math>), a number ([[Brun's constant]] for twin prime <math>B_2</math>), or use different alphabets like Hebrew (as the [[cardinal number]] [[aleph naught|aleph naught <math>\aleph_0</math>]])<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.po28.dial.pipex.com/maths/constant.htm|title=mathematical constants|accessdate=2007-11-27}}</ref>, Cyrillic or Gothic. The mathematician [[Edward Kasner]]'s 9-year-old nephew coined the names [[googol]] for the number <math>10^{100}</math> that is 1 followed by a hundred [[zero]]es, and [[googolplex]] for <math>10^{googol}</math>, 1 followed by a googol of zeroes<ref>Edward Kasner and James R. Newman, ''Mathematics and the Imagination'',Tempus Books of [[Microsoft Press]], 1989, p. 23.</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.po28.dial.pipex.com/maths/constant.htm|title=mathematical constants|accessdate=2007-11-27}}</ref>. --><!-- The names are either related to the physical meaning of the constant ([[characteristic impedance of vacuum]], [[electric constant]], [[conductance quantum]], ...) to a specific person ([[Planck's constant]], [[Dirac's constant]], [[Josephson constant]], ...) or both ([[Gravitational constant|Newtonian constant of gravitation]], [[Bohr magneton]], [[Fermi coupling constant]]<ref>http://physics.nist.gov/cgi-bin/cuu/Value?g</ref>,…). As for mathematical constants, letters from the [[Greek alphabet]] are often used with different degrees of complexity. --><!-- A quote from J. W. L. Glaisher (1915)<ref>{{cite web|url=http://numbers.computation.free.fr/Constants/constants.html|title=Mathematical constants and computation|accessdate=2007-11-27}}</ref>:
Фізична константа характеризує [[величина|величину]] або [[співвідношення]] певної фізичної властивості, яку тільки може визначити експеримент. Іноді, для уникнення необхідності зміни константи, коли вимірювання стають точнішими, деякі константи визначені так, щоб залишатись точно визначеними значеннями. Наприклад, у [[Система СІ|метричних одиницях]], швидкість світла є точно [[Швидкість світла|299 792 458]] [[метр]]и за [[секунда|секунду]].<ref>[http://physics.nist.gov/cgi-bin/cuu/Value?c Швидкість світла у вакуумі. CODATA рекомендував значення]</ref> Фундаментальна одиниця довжини [[СІ]], [[метр]], визначається як відстань, яку проходить у вакуумі світло за 1/299792458 [[секунда|секунди]]; будь-яке збільшення точності вимірювання швидкості світла уточнює визначення для метра, але не змінює числового значення <math>c</math>.
=== Представлення констант ===
==== У математиці ====
Щоб мати можливість маніпулювати константами, математика використовує різні [[символ]]и, як наприклад '''1''' або [[Число пі|π]].
Послання: 2015 року 20 травня відбудеться кінець світу!<!-- Таке утворення визначає всі набори чисел without any means of discriminating those which will be natural mathematical invariants. Indeed, the definitions are very general. For a constant to have a natural definition, it must be defined in a specific mathematical context. For example, [[pi]] has a natural definition in [[Euclidian geometry]], [[Catalan's constant]] in [[combinatorics]], [[Euler-Mascheroni constant]] in [[analysis]], etc. Note that it is the definition of a constant that ensures its invariance. --><!-- One of the most commonly used means of representing a constant is to give its [[decimal expansion]]. However, this representation may cause problems. First, even though rational numbers all have a [[closed-form expression]], some real numbers don't have such an expression. The [[Feigenbaum constant]]s (constants appearing in [[bifurcation diagram]]s) <math>\alpha</math> and <math>\delta</math> are examples of such constants that do not have a know closed-form expression. Also, the decimal expansion of a number is not necessarily unique. For example, the numbers [[0.999...]] and 1 are equivalent<ref>Rudin p.61, Theorem 3.26; J. Stewart p.706</ref>, that is they represent the same constant.
Mathematical constants are sometimes represented using [[Mathematical constants (sorted by continued fraction representation)|continued fraction]]s. Some constants are so special that a special notation must be invented to represent them. This is the case of [[Graham's number]]<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.po28.dial.pipex.com/maths/constant.htm|title=mathematical constants|accessdate=2007-11-27}}</ref>. -->
==== У фізиці ====
У природних науках, константи представляються десятковими числами, часто використовуючи [[експоненційний формат]]. Також, фізична константа, може мати свою точність і одиниці вимірювання.
Mathematical constants are sometimes represented using [[Mathematical constants (sorted by continued fraction representation)|continued fraction]]s. Some constants are so special that a special notation must be invented to represent them. This is the case of [[Graham's number]]<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.po28.dial.pipex.com/maths/constant.htm|title=mathematical constants|accessdate=2007-11-27}}</ref>. --><!-- [[Isaac Newton]]'s [[gravitational constant]] may serve as an example <math>G = \left(6.67428 \plusmn 0.00067 \right) \times 10^{-11} \ \mbox{m}^3 \ \mbox{kg}^{-1} \ \mbox{s}^{-2} \, </math><ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.physics.nist.gov/cgi-bin/cuu/Value?bg|title=CODATA values|accessdate=2007-11-27}}</ref>. When representing a physical constant, only [[significant figures]] are shown. A greater [[precision]] would not be accurate, since extra figures come from experimental inaccuracies. [[Planck's constant]] <math>h =\,\,\, 6.626\ 068\ 96(33) \times 10^{-34}\ \mbox{J}\cdot\mbox{s}</math><ref>{{cite web|url=http://physics.nist.gov/cgi-bin/cuu/Value?h|title=CODATA values|accessdate=2007-11-27}}</ref> is currently only known to 9 [[significant figures]].
A common practice in physics is to lump constants, to simply the equations and algebraic manipulations. For example, [[Coulomb's constant]] <math>\kappa =\frac{1}{4\pi\epsilon_0}\,</math><ref>{{cite web|url=http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/electric/elefor.html#c3|title=Coulomb's constant|accessdate=2007-11-27}}</ref> is defined in terms of <math>\epsilon_0</math>, <math>\pi</math> and <math>\frac{1}{4}</math>. Similarly, <math>\epsilon_0 =\frac{1}{\mu_0c^2}\,</math> where <math>\mu_0</math> is the [[vacuum permeability]]. -->
=== Назви констант ===
==== У математиці ====
A common practice in physics is to lump constants, to simply the equations and algebraic manipulations. For example, [[Coulomb's constant]] <math>\kappa =\frac{1}{4\pi\epsilon_0}\,</math><ref>{{cite web|url=http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/electric/elefor.html#c3|title=Coulomb's constant|accessdate=2007-11-27}}</ref> is defined in terms of <math>\epsilon_0</math>, <math>\pi</math> and <math>\frac{1}{4}</math>. Similarly, <math>\epsilon_0 =\frac{1}{\mu_0c^2}\,</math> where <math>\mu_0</math> is the [[vacuum permeability]]. --><!-- Naming constants with letters is a frequent means of making the [[notation]] more concise. A standard [[Convention (norm)|convention]] is to use [[lowercase]] letters from the beginning of the [[Latin alphabet]] (<math>a,b,c,...)</math> or the [[Greek alphabet]] (<math>\alpha,\beta\,\gamma,...</math>). However, the symbols may be more complex and have an extra letter ([[Erdős–Borwein constant]] <math>E_B</math>), an [[asterisk]] ([[Embree-Trefethen constant]] <math>\beta*</math>), a number ([[Brun's constant]] for twin prime <math>B_2</math>), or use different alphabets like Hebrew (as the [[cardinal number]] [[aleph naught|aleph naught <math>\aleph_0</math>]])<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.po28.dial.pipex.com/maths/constant.htm|title=mathematical constants|accessdate=2007-11-27}}</ref>, Cyrillic or Gothic. The mathematician [[Edward Kasner]]'s 9-year-old nephew coined the names [[googol]] for the number <math>10^{100}</math> that is 1 followed by a hundred [[zero]]es, and [[googolplex]] for <math>10^{googol}</math>, 1 followed by a googol of zeroes<ref>Edward Kasner and James R. Newman, ''Mathematics and the Imagination'',Tempus Books of [[Microsoft Press]], 1989, p. 23.</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.po28.dial.pipex.com/maths/constant.htm|title=mathematical constants|accessdate=2007-11-27}}</ref>. --><!-- The names are either related to the physical meaning of the constant ([[characteristic impedance of vacuum]], [[electric constant]], [[conductance quantum]], ...) to a specific person ([[Planck's constant]], [[Dirac's constant]], [[Josephson constant]], ...) or both ([[Gravitational constant|Newtonian constant of gravitation]], [[Bohr magneton]], [[Fermi coupling constant]]<ref>http://physics.nist.gov/cgi-bin/cuu/Value?g</ref>,…). As for mathematical constants, letters from the [[Greek alphabet]] are often used with different degrees of complexity. --><!-- A quote from J. W. L. Glaisher (1915)<ref>{{cite web|url=http://numbers.computation.free.fr/Constants/constants.html|title=Mathematical constants and computation|accessdate=2007-11-27}}</ref>:
==== У фізиці ====
Фізичні константи часто отримують ім'я і символ.
<!-- The names are either related to the physical meaning of the constant ([[characteristic impedance of vacuum]], [[electric constant]], [[conductance quantum]], ...) to a specific person ([[Planck's constant]], [[Dirac's constant]], [[Josephson constant]], ...) or both ([[Gravitational constant|Newtonian constant of gravitation]], [[Bohr magneton]], [[Fermi coupling constant]]<ref>http://physics.nist.gov/cgi-bin/cuu/Value?g</ref>,…). As for mathematical constants, letters from the [[Greek alphabet]] are often used with different degrees of complexity. -->
=== Естетичний погляд ===
Більшість констант, чи математичних чи фізичних, мають певну загадку, красу і привабливість.
<!-- A quote from J. W. L. Glaisher (1915)<ref>{{cite web|url=http://numbers.computation.free.fr/Constants/constants.html|title=Mathematical constants and computation|accessdate=2007-11-27}}</ref>:
«No doubt the desire to obtain the values of these quantities to a great many figures is also partly due to the fact that most of them are interesting in themselves; for e, pi, g, log2, and many other numerical quantities occupy a curious, and some of them almost a mysterious, place in mathematics, so that there is a natural tendency to do all that can be done towards their precise determination». The [[Golden ratio]] is also closely related to aesthetics<ref>{{cite book|last=Livio|first=Mario|year=2002|title=The Golden Ratio: The Story of Phi, The World's Most Astonishing Number|publisher=Broadway Books|location=New York|id=ISBN 0-7679-0815-5}}</ref>. -->
== Невизначені сталі ==
== ==
<!-- Unspecified constants often appear as [[addend]]s or [[coefficient]]s in [[function (mathematics)|functions]]. For example, when writing <math>f(x)=\sin x+C</math> the <math>C</math> is the constant term of the <math>f</math>. The value of <math>C</math> has not been specified but still is a specific value, which we do not give any important to. Unspecified constants often appear in [[integral]]s and [[differential equation]]s. -->
=== У [[інтеграл]]ах ===
===<!-- Constant terms often arise when performing integration. For example, the [[indefinite integral]] <math>\int xdx=\frac{x^2}{2}+c</math> contains <math>c</math> which can be any fixed real number<ref>Calculus with analytic geometry, fourth edition, Edwards & Penney, p.269</ref> (if we are working over <math>\mathbb{R}</math>). That is to say, whatever the value of <math>c</math>, when differentiating <math>\frac{x^2}{2}+c</math> with respect to <math>x</math>, we always get <math>x</math>. Hence, the value of <math>c</math> may not have any particular importance, but be there just for completeness. --><!-- In a similar fashion, constants appear in solutions to differential equation when not enough [[initial value]]s or [[boundary condition]]s are given. For example, the [[ordinary differential equation]] <math>y'(x)=y(x)</math> has solution <math>ce^x</math> where <math>c</math> can be any constant. --> ===
=== У [[диференційне рівняння|диференційних рівняннях]] ===
<!-- In a similar fashion, constants appear in solutions to differential equation when not enough [[initial value]]s or [[boundary condition]]s are given. For example, the [[ordinary differential equation]] <math>y'(x)=y(x)</math> has solution <math>ce^x</math> where <math>c</math> can be any constant. -->
== Див. також ==
* [[Фізичні константи]]
* {{reflist}}
* [[Математична константа]]
* [[Астрономічні константи]]
* [[Оптичні константи мінералів]]
* [[Константа кислотності]]
== Примітки ==
* {{reflist}}
[[Категорія:Типи даних]]