
Найсвіжіший коментар: Bunyk у темі «Ще значення» 8 років тому

Ще значення


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The New Oxford American Dictionary
null adj. 1 [predic.] having no legal or binding force; invalid: the establishment of a new interim government was declared null and void. 2 having or associated with the value zero. [MATHEMATICS] (of a set or matrix) having no elements, or only zeros as elements. lacking distinctive qualities; having no positive substance or content: his curiously null life. n. POETIC/LITERARY a zero. a dummy letter in a cipher. [ELECTRONICS] a condition of no signal. a direction in which no electromagnetic radiation is detected or emitted. v. [trans.] [ELECTRONICS] combine (a signal) with another in order to create a null; cancel out. late Middle English: from French nul, nulle, from Latin nullus 'none', from ne 'not' + ullus 'any'.

--Буник (обговорення) 11:38, 27 березня 2016 (UTC)Відповісти

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