
Найсвіжіший коментар: Mykola Swarnyk у темі «Title» 3 роки тому



(Sorry for writing in English.) @Mykola Swarnyk: You renamed this article from Хунгароринг to Гунґароринг—why not Гунґароринґ, with a ґ at the end? The two g’s in Hungaroring sound the same. (I’m not very familiar with Ukrainian, but as far as I know, г always corresponds to English/Hungarian h, while the g is always ґ.) —Tacsipacsi (обговорення) 16:37, 7 листопада 2020 (UTC)Відповісти

@Tacsipacsi: You are probably right, the two ґ`s would be more in place. But you know, there is tiering battle for г-ґ-х, Houston is put for renaming to Х'юстон and Hunter to Хантер etc etc. And guess what - they will be renamed «by popular vote». Sometimes one can get paranoid. Anyway, thanks for drawing attention. Mykola Swarnyk (обговорення) 21:04, 7 листопада 2020 (UTC)Відповісти
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