Обговорення:План Маршалла

Найсвіжіший коментар: Poti Berik у темі «Зауваження» 7 років тому



В статті нема головного - економічного змісту плана Маршалла. Автори навіть не поцікавились як ця программа в дійсності офіційно звалась: англ. European Recovery Program.

Цитата: «Однією з цілей програми була протидія поширенню впливу СРСР і соціалістичних ідей на країни Західної Європи» - тобто программа заважала «будувати комунізм у всьому світі» на кшалт СРСР - про це тільки і писала офіційна комуністична пропагадна радянських часів. Тому я змушений поставити Шаблон: {НТЗ під сумнівом}.

Щодо джерел - якщо авторам недосяжна економічна бібліотека, то є джерела у мережі. Для початку варто заглянути у статтю «Marshall Plan» анлійського чи неімецького вікі-розділів.--Wanderer 18:05, 9 травня 2008 (UTC)Відповісти

Потрібно дописати з англовікі (там повна стаття) і прибрати висери радянської пропаганди. З повагоюPoti Berik (обговорення) 15:53, 13 травня 2017 (UTC)Відповісти

ось цього немає

Soviet negotiations After Marshall's appointment in January 1947, administration officials met with Soviet Foreign Minister Vyacheslav Molotov and others to press for an economically self-sufficient Germany, including a detailed accounting of the industrial plants, goods and infrastructure already removed by the Soviets in their occupied zone.[39][40] Molotov refrained from supplying accounts of Soviet assets.[41] The Soviets took a punitive approach, pressing for a delay rather than an acceleration in economic rehabilitation, demanding unconditional fulfillment of all prior reparation claims, and pressing for progress toward nationwide socioeconomic transformation.[42] After six weeks of negotiations, Molotov rejected all of the American and British proposals.[39][42] Molotov also rejected the counter-offer to scrap the British-American "Bizonia" and to include the Soviet zone within the newly constructed Germany.[42] Marshall was particularly discouraged after personally meeting with Stalin to explain that the United States could not possibly abandon its position on Germany, while Stalin expressed little interest in a solution to German economic problems.[39][42].

Compulsory Eastern Bloc rejection Soviet Foreign Minister Vyacheslav Molotov left Paris, rejecting the plan.[47] Thereafter, statements were made suggesting a future confrontation with the West, calling the United States both a "fascizing" power and the "center of worldwide reaction and anti-Soviet activity," with all U.S.-aligned countries branded as enemies.[47] The Soviets also then blamed the United States for communist losses in elections in Belgium, France and Italy months earlier, in the spring of 1947.[47] It claimed that "marshallization" must be resisted and prevented by any means, and that French and Italian communist parties were to take maximum efforts to sabotage the implementation of the Plan.[47] In addition, Western embassies in Moscow were isolated, with their personnel being denied contact with Soviet officials.[47] On July 12, a larger meeting was convened in Paris. Every country of Europe was invited, with the exceptions of Spain (a World War II neutral that had sympathized with Axis powers) and the small states of Andorra, San Marino, Monaco, and Liechtenstein. The Soviet Union was invited with the understanding that it would likely refuse. The states of the future Eastern Bloc were also approached, and Czechoslovakia and Poland agreed to attend. In one of the clearest signs and reflections of tight Soviet control and domination over the region, Jan Masaryk, the foreign minister of Czechoslovakia, was summoned to Moscow and berated by Stalin for considering Czechoslovakia's possible involvement with and joining of the Marshall Plan. The prime minister of Poland, Józef Cyrankiewicz, was rewarded by Stalin for his country's rejection of the Plan, which came in the form of the Soviet Union's offer of a lucrative trade agreement lasting for a period of five years, a grant amounting to the approximate equivalent of $450 million (in 1948; the sum would have been $4.4 billion in 2014[48]) in the form of long-term credit and loans and the provision of 200,000 tonnes of grain, heavy and manufacturing machinery and factories and heavy industries to Poland.[49] The Marshall Plan participants were not surprised when the Czechoslovakian and Polish delegations were prevented from attending the Paris meeting. The other Eastern Bloc states immediately rejected the offer.[50] Finland also declined in order to avoid antagonizing the Soviets (see also Finlandization). The Soviet Union's "alternative" to the Marshall plan, which was purported to involve Soviet subsidies and trade with western Europe, became known as the Molotov Plan, and later, the Comecon. In a 1947 speech to the United Nations, Soviet deputy foreign minister Andrei Vyshinsky said that the Marshall Plan violated the principles of the United Nations. He accused the United States of attempting to impose its will on other independent states, while at the same time using economic resources distributed as relief to needy nations as an instrument of political pressure.[51] .З повагоюPoti Berik (обговорення) 15:58, 13 травня 2017 (UTC)Відповісти

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