
Статтю «Моноплакофори» поліпшено в рамках Тижня «Життя у воді»
(27 березня 2013 року — 21 квітня 2013 року)



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Classification: The only classification problem with modern monoplacophorans is the discussion around using Monoplacophora Odhner, 1940 vs. Tryblidiida. Monoplacophora sl. as defined in Runnegar & Jell (1976) would include three orders among which Tryblidiida. Problems arise from the ambiguous position of some paleozoic fossil taxa which could be monoplacophorans or gastropods, or (worse) stem-group gastropods derived from monoplacophorans, thus making Monoplacophora paraphyletic. Preference for the name Tryblidiida follows Waller's (1998) conclusion that these are the sister-group to all other Conchifera, thus escaping being paraphyletic. Giribet et al. (2006: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103, 7723-7728) claimed that the monoplacophoran Laevipilina is recovered within a branch containing polyplacophoran taxa in an analysis including several nuclear and mitochondrial sequences. As mentioned above, this result based on a very small specimen is ignored in the classification draft until further confirmed.

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