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1«Розділ перший: Тоді дістань їх»Єн Бі Макдональд[en]Шон Сіммонс16 січня 2019
Wayne, a violent teenager from Brockton, MA, is immediately taken with Del, a girl who shows up on his doorstep selling cookies. While talking to Del, Wayne is ambushed by Del's father and older brothers, where they beat him brutally. When Wayne's father dies from cancer, Wayne burns down his house with his father's corpse still in it, then goes to Del's house. He invites her to drive to Florida to retrieve Wayne's father's 1979 Pontiac Trans Am. He is confronted by her family again, but fights them and bites off her dad's nose.
2«Розділ другий: Без священиків»Стів Пінк[en]Щон Сіммонс16 січня 2019
Del starts to have doubts about Wayne when he reveals that he doesn't know where they're going. Del buys a bus ticket to Los Angeles as a back up plan, getting into a fight with a cocaine addict name Tracey, with whom she bonds with later on. Convinced Del has abandoned him, Wayne heads back to their camp dejectedly. After talking to two kids who were trying to steal his things, Wayne tries to find Del with help from the two kids, but gets kidnapped by Kyra and Jamie. Del and Tracey help save Wayne, and they continue on their way. Meanwhile, Wayne's best friend, his principal, Del's father and brothers, and two Brockton police officers (Seargant Geller, and Officer Jay) all set off to pursue Wayne and Del.
3«Розділ третій: Бісовий бекон правди»Стів ПінкРет Різ[en] та Пол Вернік[en]16 січня 2019
Wayne and Del take shelter at a motel and soon get caught up with some spring break bound college students. After fleeing the local police, they quickly realize that they've been robbed. Meanwhile, Orlando convinces the principal to help him find Wayne, after Orlando realizes that Del's family may kill Wayne.
4«Розділ четвертий: Знайди якийсь чорний одяг»Тесса ГоффСара Джейн Каннінґгем та С'юзі Фріман[en]16 січня 2019
Wayne and Del each attempt to make some money. Wayne gets a job as a day laborer on a construction site while Del tries to pawn some of their belongings. Wayne attacks his employer after learning that he was trying to deport the immigrant workers to Mexico, nailing the man's hands to his van. Del meets a grieving widow and decides that she and Wayne should go to the husband's funeral. Meanwhile, Carl and Teddy celebrate their birthday whilst their father is drunk. They come to realise he has mistreated them and agree to beat him up, but get a message from Del wishing them a happy birthday and they decide to put their problems with their father aside so they can find her.
5«Розділ п'ятий: Дел»Тесса ГофЛорен Гозман16 січня 2019
Flashbacks show Del's family life before meeting Wayne and how she tries to fit in at school in spite of her con artist mother. Her family is dysfunctional, but make an effort for her. Following her mother's death from a heroin overdose, Del's father descends deeper into alcoholism, her brothers become more cruel, and she develops a cynical personality.
6«Розділ шостий: То хто ми з тобою тепер?»Стефані Лейнґ[en]Софі Пастіл та Пол Джефф16 січня 2019
When Del is mistaken for a truant at a school in Georgia, she befriends some of the locals and considers staying. She and Wayne are invited to a dance, and while getting ready, Wayne notices the bus ticket, and leaves Del at the dance. After some convincing, Wayne attends the dance, and the two reconcile. They share a tender moment, but are interrupted when Del's family catch up with them, ambushing the two. However, Wayne is saved by the locals, and drives Del away. Meanwhile, Orlando helps his principal do well on his speech in his conference.
7«Розділ сьомий: Це триватиме вічно»Стефані ЛейнґШон Сіммонс16 січня 2019
Following the brawl at the school dance, Del's new friends force Wayne to take painkillers when he refuses to go to the ER. Later, Wayne tells Del that her father is dying in the hospital after he hears about it on the news. She proceeds to ask him to take her there to see her father. It turns out to be a trap by the police to catch them, but Del wants to visit him anyways. Despite admitting that Wayne hates hospital because of his father's cancer, he agrees to help her sneak in. They share a kiss in the morgue, and Del visits her father. She gives him a drink, and tells him that she is going away. While there, Wayne and Del encounter Sergeant Geller, and escape, prompting the Sergeant to become firmer in his commitment to catching Wayne.
8«Розділ восьмий: Певно, пекло́ як у пеклі»Майкл Патрік Дженн[en]Спенсер Словн16 січня 2019
Wayne and Del finally reach Ocala, FL and find his father's car by chance at a gas station. Wayne tracks it down and is unexpectedly reunited with his mother. Wayne also meets his step brother, Reggie, and stepfather, Calvin. Wayne tries to bond with his mother while Del tries to warn him that she'll hurt him again. Wayne confronts Del about the bus ticket she bought earlier, and Del reveals that was her backup plan. Meanwhile, Orlando and Principal Cole get sidetracked at a strip club.
9«Розділ дев'ятий: Думав, що ми друзі»Майкл Патрік ДженнҐреґ Кулідж[en] та Кірк Вард16 січня 2019
Del abandons Wayne and strikes out on her own. When Wayne tries to bond with his mother, his mother insults Wayne's dad and Del. Furious, he trashes the house and plans to steal back his father's car and go after Del. Unfortunately, he is caught by Calvin and Reggie. Meanwhile, Orlando and Cole narrowly avoid hitting a dog and stumble upon a clue to Wayne's whereabouts as well as finding Del. While meeting Del, Orlando and Del bond, where Orlando reveals how he and Wayne became best friends. Wayne had come to him seeking help to deal with a group of bullies blackmailing a girl with a video. When Del asks what was in the video, and Orlando says it was a woman doing heroin, Del realizes she was the girl he helped. Del then decides to rescue Wayne with Orlando and Principal Cole. Sergeant Jay and his buddy cop find Wayne, but Reggie knocks out Sergeant Jay's friend. Sergeant Jay reveals that his homosexuality caused him to be imprisoned in Thailand, where he was forced to learn how to fight. He defeats Calvin in a one-on-one fight, (with some help from Wayne) and frees Wayne. However, Jay tells him that he is under arrest.
10«Розділ десятий: Стули писок»Стів ПінкШон Сіммонс, Ґреґ Кулідж та Кірк Вард16 січня 2019
Wayne is held at the Ocala police station, where Sergeant Jay finally makes Wayne realize the error of his ways, and that he needs Del. After catching up with Wayne's mom, Del asks her where he is, then goes after him. Sergeant Jay gets a report on a crime scene, but it turns out to be a ruse for Reggie to get the car after it was impounded. Reggie assaults the only cop left at the station, and steals the keys. Before leaving, he sees Wayne locked up, and assaults him. The two have a drawn out fight, resulting in Wayne's arm getting crushed by a metal cabinet. Before Reggie can kill him, Del shows up, and the two knock him out. After defeating Reggie, the two go into Wayne's car, with Wayne barely retaining consciousness and Del planning on taking him to a hospital. Meanwhile, Cole and Orlando help Cole's new dog give birth, where Wayne's mom and Cole bond. Sergeant Jay comes back to the police station, and arrests Reggie. While driving, Del tries to confess her love for Wayne, but he beats her to it. Suddenly Del's father crashes into them, knocking Del unconscious. They take Del away from Wayne, and Del's father mutilates Wayne's nose, then leaves him to die. An ambulance finds him hours later, still crawling to a long-gone Del. In the end, Wayne is arrested, but keeps her necklace.