Andrey Ivanovich Seletsky


Andrei Ivanovich Seletsky (Ukrainian: Андрій Іванович Селецький) (30 Oktober 1914- 4 January 1992) –is a famous Ukrainian scientist, teacher, MD, professor.



Andrey Seletsky was born in the village Katerinopol, Ukraine, Cherkasy region.Graduating from medical faculty in Gorky Medical Institute of Donetsk, he received degree of psychiatrist.Then he imediatelty started his postgraduate studies at the same institute.During World War II Andrey was the chief of neuropsychiatric hospital of the First army, the army psychiatrist and the assistsant in the academic department of Psychiatry in Khabarovsk.

After the end of World War II he worked  as forensic psychiatric expert  in USSR State Security Committee.

For four  years he was a senior fellow at the Ukrainian Research Institute of neuropsychiatric in the department of Clinical Psychiatry, and soon he became an Academic Council`s assistant of the Ministry of Health of the USSR.

Teaching work of Andrey Seletsky started in Dnepropetrovsk Medical Institute, where worked as a docent of psychiatry.

After thesis defence (1962) and receiving the MD degree Andrey had been working as a professor (1963-1992) and head of the academic department  of mental retardation pedagogy and psychopathology at M. Gorky`s Pedagogical Institute in Kiev.  From 1975 to 1977 in result of the election  he was choosen as dean at defectology faculty.

Andrey was encyclopedic educated man. He embodied a standard of  personality who radiated high humanism towards his colleagues and teachers. In his memoirs he mentioned: "In my work I use V. O. Sukhomlynsky`s and  A.S.Makarenko`s experience, but not only in organizational forms.I like to make a  well-handled general meeting of student group, I tell them about the beauty of pedagogic profession, what I  require and demand from them, how often I think  over their growth on  each course  and who they will be after graduation."

In his pedagogical activity professor A.I. Siletsky marked that teacher -defectologist have  to give  all his knowledge, warmth of  heart  and skills to teaching and educating disabled children, preparing  them  for independent living and available labor force in society. He is the author of over 100 researching works and publications, textbooks and manuals.

His published works «Minor with deviations in behavior», «Clinical researching methods of mentally retarded», «Psychology and psychopathology of amentia» contain a lot of useful recommendations for teachers in special schools, for students and teachers of psychology faculty and for psychiatrists and researchers. His works on childhood psychopathology have a special importance and value.

The greatest success achieved the manual "Psychopathology of childhood."It is developed according to the curriculum of the defectology faculty and designed primarily for learning students, psychologists, school doctors and psychiatrists. Psychopathology is an integral part of the general psychopathology and based on the same theoretical I. I. Pavlov`s doctrine of higher nervous activity and the principles of organism`s unity and environment.

At the same time  psychopathology of childhood has its own specific features, which is showed in the great vulnerability of the child's body and his high reactives. In this manual summarized the material on childhood psychopathology, pathology of highernervous childrens` activity from modern science achievement. This material covers the clinic of mental disorders, the etiology, pathogenesis, classification of anomalies of the psyche, and prevention of mental illness and compensation the weakened or lost functions of childrens` and adolescents` mental activity with mental and physical disabilities.

Andrey Ivanovich Seletsky died on 4 January 1992 in Kiev from heart attack. He was only 78 yers old.

  • Seletsky A. I. Psychopathology of childhood manual (1962)
  • Seletsky A. I. Psychology and psychopathology of amentia (1963)
  • Seletsky A. I. Exploring of abstract thinking in oligophrenic children (1963)
  • Seletsky A. I Educational and micro-biological factors in causing minor delinquency (1970)
  • Seletsky A. I. Psychopathology of childhood (1977)