Користувач:Ejensyd/Антиросійські виступи (en)

Anti-Russian rebellions are anti-imperialist and anti-colonial actions against the Russian state [1] and against the Russians, as bearers of the imperial, colonial, Russification policy of the state.

In the Russian tradition, they are called "uprisings against Moscow rule" or "uprisings against Russian rule" [2][3]. Also "release from the Russian yoke" [4].

There is no border zone of Russian power. The jealous and intolerant eye of the Kremlin can distinguish, in the end, only vassals and enemies, and the neighbors of Russia, if they do not wish to be one, must reconcile themselves to being the other. George F. Kennan, 1944 [5]

The multi-ethnic empire


Russian expansion and colonial policy of the Russian state

The territories that were at one time or another part of the Russian Empire.
   Territory under effective control (1914).
   Former territories, protectorates and sphere of influence.

Missionary work of the Russian Orthodox Church


The policy of Russification


The national question in the Russian state


The land question in the colonies


Mass migration, deportation and persecution on ethnic grounds


Removal of cultural property from the annexed territories and their destruction


Russian imperialism

An anti-Russian satirical map produced in Japan during the Russo–Japanese War.

Protest movements


Anti-Russian sentiment


Anti-Russian sentiment: XXI century


Falsification of the history of colonial conquests and anti-Russian rebellions


Perception by the authorities and the inhabitants of Russia anti-Russian sentiments and rebellions


See also



  1. Considering the continuity of politics and succession, the Russian state is considered Tsardom of Muscovy, Russian Empire, Soviet Russia (independent country in 1917—1922), the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, Russian Federation
  2. рос. «Восстания против московского владычества» или «восстания против русского владычества».
  3. Small Soviet Encyclopedia: Малая Советская Энциклопедия. Том первый. Аа — Ваниль. — М.: Акционерное об-во «Советская Энциклопедия», 1928.— Стб. 323.; Small Soviet Encyclopedia: Малая Советская Энциклопедия. Том четвертый. Ковальская — Массив. — М.: Акционерное об-во «Советская Энциклопедия», 1929.— Стб.457—458, 804., and other sources.
  4. рос. «освобождение от русского ига» in: Butzinsky P.N. Population of Siberia and the everyday life of its first inhabitants: рос. Буцинскій П. Н. Заселеніе Сибири и бытъ первыхъ ея насельниковъ. Изследованіе П. Н. Буцинскаго.— Харьков: Типографія Губернскаго Правленія, 1889.— С. 300.
  5. The Kennan Diaries, by George F Kennan and Frank Costigliola, WW Norton, [2014]. P. 166—167. ISBN: 978-0393073270


  • Andreas Kappeler. Russland als Vielvölkerreich: Entstehung. Geschichte. Zerfall, 2. durchges. Auflage. Munchen: Beck 1993. 395 S., 11 Karten. ISBN 3-406-36472-1.