History [edit] Origins to World War I Ieper on the Ferraris map (around 1775)

Ypres is an ancient town, known to have been raided by the Romans in the first century BC.[1]

During the Middle Ages, Ypres was a prosperous city with a population of 40,000, [2] renowned for its linen trade with England, which was mentioned in the Canterbury Tales. As the third largest city (After Ghent and Bruges) Ypres played an important role in the County of Flanders. Textiles from Ypres could be found on the markets of Novgorod in Russia in the early 12th century. In 1241 a major fire ruined much of the old city. The powerful city was involved in important treaties and battles, such as:

   * Battle of the Golden Spurs
   * The Battle at Pevelenberg
   * The Peace of Melun
   * Battle of Cassel
   * The Norwich Crusade, led by the English bishop Henry le Despenser, when Ypres was besieged from May to August 1383, until French relief forces arrived.

Ypres was fortified to keep out invaders. Parts of the early ramparts, dating from 1385, still survive near the Rijselpoort (Lille Gate).

On March 25th 1678 Ypres was conquered by the forces of Louis XIV of France. In 1697 during the Vrede van Rijswijk it came into the possessions of the Spanish Crown. In 1713 it was handed over to Habsburg. In 1782 the Austrian emperor Joseph II decided to tear down parts of the walls, making it easy for the French to take over the city during the first coalition war in 1794.

It was the hometown of William of Ypres, a commander of Flemish mercenaries in England who was reckoned among the more able of the military commanders fighting for King Stephen in his 19 year civil war with the Empress Matilda.

The famous Cloth Hall was built in the thirteenth century. Also during this time cats, then the symbol of the devil and witchcraft, were thrown off Cloth Hall, possibly due to the belief that this would get rid of evil demons. Today, this act is commemorated with a triennial Cat Parade through town.

Over time, the earthworks were replaced by sturdier masonry and earth structures and a partial moat. Ieper was further fortified in 17th and 18th centuries while under the occupation of the Habsburgs and the French. Major works were completed at the end of the 17th century by the French military engineer Sebastien Le Prestre, Seigneur de Vauban.



Перша світова війна


Іпр забезпечив собі місто в світовій історії як ключовий пункт Західного фронту Першої світової війни. Іпрський виступ в британських лініях оборони став ареною трьох крупних битв, під час якої німці в 1915 році вперше в історії застосували хімічну зброю — хлор, а в 1917 році, так само вперше як зброя — гірчичний газ, тепер відомий під назвою іприт.