Увага: Після публікування слід очистити кеш браузера, щоб побачити зміни.

  • Firefox / Safari: тримайте Shift, коли натискаєте Оновити, або натисніть Ctrl-F5 чи Ctrl-Shift-R (⌘-R на Apple Mac)
  • Google Chrome: натисніть Ctrl-Shift-R (⌘-Shift-R на Apple Mac)
  • Internet Explorer / Edge: тримайте Ctrl, коли натискаєте Оновити, або натисніть Ctrl-F5
  • Opera: натисніть Ctrl-F5
 // Додає скрипт зі сторінки: [[Wikipedysta:Nux/hideSidebar.js]]
/* ======================================================================== *\
	Adds a link that will allow one to show/hide sidebar
	version:		1.8.5
	copyright:		(C) 2006-2009 Maciej Jaros (pl:User:Nux, en:User:EcceNux)
	licence:		GNU General Public License v2,
\* ======================================================================== */

// Cookie hidding + default hidding management
// whole sidebar
if (window.hideSidebarByDefault)
	window.hideSidebarByDefault = (document.cookie.indexOf("js_hideSidebarByDefault=0")==-1);
	window.hideSidebarByDefault = (document.cookie.indexOf("js_hideSidebarByDefault=1")!=-1);
// left panel (vector only)
if (window.hideSidebarPanelByDefault)
	window.hideSidebarPanelByDefault = (document.cookie.indexOf("js_hideSidebarPanelByDefault=0")==-1);
	window.hideSidebarPanelByDefault = (document.cookie.indexOf("js_hideSidebarPanelByDefault=1")!=-1);

// CSS settings for skins...
var hideSidebar_css = {
	'vector' : {
		'hide' : {
			'div#content' : 'margin-left: 0px; ; z-index: 100; position:relative;',
			'div#mw-panel' : 'float:left; position:static;',
			'div#mw-head' : 'margin-left: 0px; ; z-index: 101;',
			'body .suggestions' : 'z-index: 105;',
			'div#p-logo' : 'display: none;',
			'div#left-navigation' : 'left: 0px;',
	,'monobook' : {
		'hide' : {
			'div#content' : 'margin-left: 0px; z-index: 100;',
			'div#p-cactions' : 'left: 0px;',
			'div#p-cactions a:hover' : 'position:relative !important; z-index:101 !important;',
			'div#p-logo' : 'display: none;',
			'div#p-search' : 'position:relative; z-index:0;',
// css chooser based on skins
var hideSidebar_skin = 'vector'; // fallback
switch (mw.config.get('skin'))
	// known
	case "vector":
	case "monobook":
		hideSidebar_skin = mw.config.get('skin');

// Fast CSS init (faster because not run on load)
if (window.hideSidebarByDefault)
		var css_text = '';
		var myrules = hideSidebar_css[hideSidebar_skin].hide;
		for (var rule in myrules)
			css_text += ' '+ rule +' {' + myrules[rule] + '}';
		$(document.body).append('<style id="hideSidebar_css" type="text/css">'+css_text+'</style>');
// General CSS
var hideSidebar_classRe = /\s*hidden_sidebar_panel\s*/g;
$(document.body).append('<style id="hideSidebar_css2" type="text/css">div.hidden_sidebar_panel div {display:none} </style>');

// initialization function
function initHideSidebar()
	var el = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];
	var elNew = document.createElement('div');
	elNew.onclick = hideSidebar;
	elNew.style.position = 'absolute'; // for IE.ver<7
	elNew.id = 'hideSidebarElement';
	elNew.style.cssText= ''
		+'color:#696; font-weight:bold; font-size:20px;'
		+'padding:2px; display:inline-block;'
		+'left:0px; bottom:0px; z-index:2000; position:fixed;'

	// mange hidding by deafault
	if (window.hideSidebarByDefault)
		elNew.innerHTML = '»';
		elNew.sbShown = false;
		elNew.innerHTML = '«';
		elNew.sbShown = true;

	if (window.userInitHideSidebar != null)
	// hide left panel with an additional button
	var el_lpanel = document.getElementById('mw-panel');
	if (el_lpanel)
		// show/hide button
		var close_el = document.createElement('img');
		close_el.id = 'hideSidebar_close_lpanel';
		close_el.lpanel_el = el_lpanel;
		close_el.style.cssText = 'float:right; margin:1px; padding:1px; cursor:pointer';
		// funs for show/hide while sidebar not hidden
		close_el.funTmpShowPanel = function() {
			this.lpanel_el_tmp_display = this.lpanel_el.className;
			//this.lpanel_el.style.display = 'block';
			this.lpanel_el.className = this.lpanel_el.className.replace(hideSidebar_classRe, ' ');
			this.style.visibility = 'hidden';
		close_el.funRestoreTmpPanelState = function() {
			//this.lpanel_el.style.display = this.lpanel_el_tmp_display;
			this.lpanel_el.className = this.lpanel_el_tmp_display;
			this.style.visibility = 'visible';
		// click fun
		close_el.onclick = function() {
			// show
			//if (this.lpanel_el.style.display=='none')
			if (this.lpanel_el.className.search(hideSidebar_classRe)!=-1)
				document.cookie='js_hideSidebarPanelByDefault=0; path=/';
				this.lpanel_el.className = this.lpanel_el.className.replace(hideSidebar_classRe, ' ');
				this.src = 'https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/8e/Edit_remove.svg/15px-Edit_remove.svg.png';
				this.alt = '[-]';
			// hide
				document.cookie='js_hideSidebarPanelByDefault=1; path=/';
				this.lpanel_el.className += ' hidden_sidebar_panel';
				this.src = 'https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/5b/Edit_add.svg/15px-Edit_add.svg.png';
				this.alt = '[+]';
		// hide
		if (window.hideSidebarPanelByDefault)
			close_el.lpanel_el.className += ' hidden_sidebar_panel';
			close_el.src = 'https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/5b/Edit_add.svg/15px-Edit_add.svg.png';
			close_el.alt = '[+]';
		// show
			close_el.lpanel_el.className = close_el.lpanel_el.className.replace(hideSidebar_classRe, ' ');
			close_el.alt = '[-]';
			close_el.src = 'https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/8e/Edit_remove.svg/15px-Edit_remove.svg.png';
		el_lpanel.insertBefore(close_el, el_lpanel.firstChild);

		if (!window.hideSidebarByDefault)

// Main show/hide function
var hideSidebar_css_el = null;
function hideSidebar()
	if (this.sbShown)
	// hidding
		hideSidebar_css_el = (hideSidebar_css_el==null) ? document.getElementById('hideSidebar_css') : undefined;

		// style element not availble yet
		if (!hideSidebar_css_el)
			// create style element
			var el = document.createElement('style');
			hideSidebar_css_el = el;

			// add rules
			//el.innerHTML = '...';	// yeah would nice right?... FF and Opera only

			// the DOM way...
			var sheet = (el.sheet) ? el.sheet : el.styleSheet;
			if (sheet.insertRule)	// nonIE
				var myrules = hideSidebar_css[hideSidebar_skin].hide;
				for (var rule in myrules)
					sheet.insertRule (' '+ rule +' {' + myrules[rule] + '}', sheet.cssRules.length);	// at the end
			else if (sheet.addRule)	// IE (+some friends)
				var myrules = hideSidebar_css[hideSidebar_skin].hide;
				for (var rule in myrules)
					sheet.addRule (rule, myrules[rule]);	// at the end
			} else {
				console.error('[hideSidebar] uable to add css');
		// already created

		this.innerHTML = '»';
		this.sbShown = false;

		document.cookie='js_hideSidebarByDefault=1; path=/';

		// restore left panel state
		var close_el = document.getElementById('hideSidebar_close_lpanel');
		if (close_el)
	// showing
		var el = document.getElementById('hideSidebar_css');
		if (el)
			hideSidebar_css_el = el.parentNode.removeChild(el);

		this.innerHTML = '«';
		this.sbShown = true;

		document.cookie='js_hideSidebarByDefault=0; path=/';

		// show left panel even if hidden
		var close_el = document.getElementById('hideSidebar_close_lpanel');
		if (close_el)