Користувач:Friend/Сховок/Шахісти: відмінності між версіями

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Рядок 17:
! BP !! !! Tournament !! class !! top 10 rank !! details
| ? || #5 || 1880 Wiesbaden || 12 || #2, #3, #6, #7, #8, #10 || #2 Louis Paulsen (2666), #3 Joseph Blackburne (2664), #6 Szymon Winawer (2625), #7 Berthold Englisch (2623), #8 James Mason (2616), #10 Henry Bird (2600) from July 1880 rating list
| ? || #7 || 1881 Berlin || 10 || #1, #4, #6, #9 || #1 Johannes Zukertort (2763), #4 Joseph Blackburne (2654), #6 Louis Paulsen (2645), #9 James Mason (2606) from August 1881 rating list
| - || #1 || 1882 Vienna || 21 || #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #10 || #1 Johannes Zukertort (2755), #2 Joseph Blackburne (2716), #3 Adolf Schwarz (2657), #4 Berthold Englisch (2646), #5 George Mackenzie (2643), #6 Mikhail Chigorin (2631), #7 James Mason (2628), #8 Szymon Winawer (2625), #10 Louis Paulsen (2616) from May 1882 rating list
| [https://booksbabel.googlehathitrust.com.uaorg/bookscgi/pt?id=t02nCgAAQBAJnjp.32101075894582&pgview=PA41up&seq=35&q1=dartrey +Steinitz vs '''Rosentahl'''] Приз установили тільки для другого кола турніру, || #2 || 1883 London || 19 || #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7 || #1 Wilhelm Steinitz (2794), #2 Johannes Zukertort (2736), #3 Szymon Winawer (2708), #4 Joseph Blackburne (2703), #5 George Mackenzie (2702), #6 James Mason (2698), #7 Berthold Englisch (2628) from April 1883 rating list
| ? || #10 || 1883 Nuremberg || 9 || #3, #4, #6, #10 || #3 Joseph Blackburne (2710), #4 James Mason (2689), #6 Szymon Winawer (2676), #10 Vincenz Hrubı (2612) from July 1883 rating list
| '''Taubenhaus''' received the 'brilliancy prize,' offered by Mr. F. H. Lewis for his game with Berger https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/93839905?searchTerm=brilliancy%20prize%20chess || #12 || 1885 Hamburg || 8 || #3, #5, #6, #9 || #3 Joseph Blackburne (2719), #5 James Mason (2694), #6 Berthold Englisch (2669), #9 George Mackenzie (2642) from July 1885 rating list
| - || #14 || 1885 Hereford || 7 || #3, #4, #9 || #3 Joseph Blackburne (2715), #4 James Mason (2697), #9 George Mackenzie (2636) from August 1885 rating list
| Gunsberg v. '''Schallopp''' game was awarded the brilliancy prize in the tournament; Steinitz v. '''Rosenthal''' awarded the special prize for brilliancy (THE MODERN CHESS INSTRUCTOR, W. STEINITZ PART 1, 1889, page 25) || #15 || 1886 London || 5 || #3, #6 || #3 Joseph Blackburne (2717), #6 James Mason (2669) from February 1886 rating list
| Zukertort - '''Schallopp''' відмовився від нагороди: https://archive.org/details/deutscheswochen00ranngoog/page/n125/mode/2up?view=theater (would have received the prize for the best played game for his game against Zukertort if he had not expressly rejected the application); тому приз of two guineas, offered by Mr. F. H. Lewis went to Taubenhaus – '''Burn''' [https://zanchess.wordpress.com/2016/05/02/nottingham-1886-a-first-look/comment-page-1/ +] [https://www.chesshistory.com/burn/burn_ch8.html +] || #13 || 1886 Nottingham || 7 || #3, #4, #8 || #3 Johannes Zukertort (2702), #4 Isidor Gunsberg (2678), #8 Amos Burn (2648) from August 1886 rating list
Рядок 37:
| [https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/93840339?searchTerm=brilliancy%20prize%20chess brilliancy prize of £2 2s. for E. Schallopp] || #8 || 1886 London || 10 || #2, #3, #5, #8 || #2 Johannes Zukertort (2745), #3 Joseph Blackburne (2737), #5 Isidor Gunsberg (2660), #8 James Mason (2643) from July 1886 rating list
| - || #11 || 1887 London || 8 || #2, #4, #9 || #2 Joseph Blackburne (2730), #4 Isidor Gunsberg (2686), #9 Amos Burn (2641) from November 1887 rating list
| Spezialpreis fuer die schoenste Partie 5 £, gestiftet von Herr F. H. Lewis in London (turnierbuch, S. 4). The 'Brilliancy Prize' of £5, given by Mr. F. H. Lewis for the most brilliant game has been awarded to '''E. Schiffers''' for his game with M. Harmonist https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/161930810?searchTerm=brilliancy%20prize%20chess || #3 || 1887 Frankfurt || 17 || #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #9, #10 || #2 Joseph Blackburne (2738), #3 Isidor Gunsberg (2726), #4 Amos Burn (2670), #5 Johannes Zukertort (2666), #6 Emil Schallopp (2650), #7 George Mackenzie (2642), #9 Miksa Weiss (2635), #10 Siegbert Tarrasch (2635) from July 1887 rating list
| - || #4 || 1888 Bradford || 15 || #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7 || #2 Joseph Blackburne (2747), #3 Isidor Gunsberg (2719), #4 Miksa Weiss (2696), #5 Curt von Bardeleben (2677), #6 George Mackenzie (2676), #7 Amos Burn (2664) from August 1888 rating list
| [http://edochess.ca/tournaments/t382.html 5th British Chess Association Tournament]; Bird was awarded prize for brilliancy for a game with with Miniati (Mr. Hoffer being umpire) [https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/91273888?searchTerm=brilliancy%20prize%20chess South Australian Chronicle] || || 1889 London || 3 || #2, #11 || Bird Gunsberg Mason
Рядок 47:
| '''Pollock''' awarded brilliancy price of $50 (деінде траплялася інформація про $10 [https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/159535722?searchTerm=brilliancy%20prize%20chess]) for a game against Max Weiss https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/139135108?searchTerm=brilliancy%20prize; Showalter-'''Gossip''', Gossip was annoyed at not receiving the brilliancy prize, which apparently he had been promised http://www.bedfordchess.co.uk/bcm/#BCM_G005; Mason-Gunsberg "best game prize" https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/139139262?searchTerm=brilliancy%20prize%20chess || #6 || 1889 New York || 11 || #2, #3, #5, #7, #8 || #2 Isidor Gunsberg (2732), #3 Joseph Blackburne (2728), #5 Mikhail Chigorin (2675), #7 Miksa Weiss (2671), #8 Amos Burn (2651) from March 1889 rating list
| - || #9 || 1889 Breslau || 10 || #2, #5, #6, #8, #10 || #2 Isidor Gunsberg (2744), #5 Joseph Blackburne (2726), #6 Amos Burn (2683), #8 Curt von Bardeleben (2666), #10 Johann Berger (2625) from July 1889 rating list
| - || #11 || 1890 Berlin || 5 || #1, #8 || #1 Emanuel Lasker (2738), #8 Curt von Bardeleben (2676) from July 1890 rating list
| [https://zanchess.wordpress.com/2016/05/29/manchester-1890-a-first-look/ +]; The game Jean Taubenhaus vs '''Emil Schallopp''' was awarded the [https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/67948696?searchTerm=brilliancy%20prize%20chess prize for brilliancy] of five guineas, given by Mrs. F. H. Lewis. Messrs. W. Donisthorpe and D. M. Mills were the judges || #13 || 1890 Manchester || 5 || #5, #7, #9, #10 || #5 Isidor Gunsberg (2710), #7 Joseph Blackburne (2684), #9 Siegbert Tarrasch (2669), #10 George Mackenzie (2664) from August 1890 rating list
Рядок 57:
| [https://zanchess.wordpress.com/2016/06/02/london-bca-1892-a-first-and-last-look/ +] || #9 || 1892 London || 7 || #1, #5, #9 || #1 Emanuel Lasker (2774), #5 Isidor Gunsberg (2703), #9 Joseph Blackburne (2665) from January 1892 rating list
| ? || #8 || 1894 Leipzig || 8 || #2, #5, #7, #8 || #2 Siegbert Tarrasch (2793), #5 Joseph Blackburne (2685), #7 James Mason (2670), #8 Carl Walbrodt (2668) from September 1894 rating list
| [https://booksCheshire, Horace F.google ''The Hastings Chess Tournament, 1895''.com.ua/books?id=7pBXDwAAQBAJ London: Chatto &pg=PP12 Штайніц]Windus, Памятные1896, страницыpp. истории8, шахмат344 (phone 31.05) || #1 || 1895 Hastings || 19 || #1, #2, #3, #4, #6, #7, #8, #9 || #1 Emanuel Lasker (2860), #2 Siegbert Tarrasch (2823), #3 Wilhelm Steinitz (2763), #4 Mikhail Chigorin (2743), #6 Richard Teichmann (2713), #7 Curt von Bardeleben (2708), #8 Joseph Blackburne (2701), #9 Carl Walbrodt (2678) from August 1895 rating list
| - || #5 || 1895 St. Petersburg || 12 || #1, #3, #4, #5 || #1 Emanuel Lasker (2842), #3 Mikhail Chigorin (2794), #4 Wilhelm Steinitz (2746), #5 Harry Pillsbury (2727) from December 1895 rating list
| - || #6 || 1896 Budapest || 12 || #2, #3, #5, #6, #9 || #2 Siegbert Tarrasch (2792), #3 Géza Maróczy (2758), #5 Harry Pillsbury (2753), #6 Mikhail Chigorin (2748), #9 Dawid Janowsky (2685) from October 1896 rating list
| [http://www.chessmetrics.com/cm/CM2/SingleEvent.asp?Params=189010SS03S3S116667000000141000102400000010100 Tournament]; приз 25 (крон?) поділено між '''Мізес''' - Яновський і '''Яновський''' - Марко (Tijdschrift..., 1896 №12, s. 19273) (phone 30.05) || || 1896 Vienna || || #2, #11 || Janowsky #20 Schlechter #15 Marco #16
| Spezialpreis fuer die schoenste Partie des Turniers gestiftet von Herrn Baron Albert von Rothschild: 300 Mark; партії проаналізував та ухвалив рішення про присудження сам жертводавець [Das Internationale Schachturnier des Schachclubs Nuernberg 1896. - Leipzig, 1897. - S. XVII-IX]; '''Pillsbury''' vs Lasker [https://anno.onb.ac.at/cgi-content/anno-plus?aid=sze&datum=1926&page=199&size=45 WSZ] || #2 || 1896 Nurnberg || 17 || #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #7 || #1 Emanuel Lasker (2836), #2 Siegbert Tarrasch (2786), #3 Mikhail Chigorin (2759), #4 Wilhelm Steinitz (2750), #5 Harry Pillsbury (2736), #7 Richard Teichmann (2700) from July 1896 rating list
Рядок 71:
| [https://anno.onb.ac.at/cgi-content/anno-plus?aid=sze&datum=1898&page=138&size=45 '''Metger''' vs Suechting & '''Zinkl''' vs Metger/ 300 Mark der von Baron Rothschild] || #10 || 1897 Berlin || 7 || #2, #7, #9, #10 || #2 Mikhail Chigorin (2774), #7 Dawid Janowsky (2706), #9 Carl Schlechter (2693), #10 Berthold Englisch (2684) from September 1897 rating list
| [https://anno.onb.ac.at/cgi-content/anno-plus?aid=sze&datum=1898&page=195&size=45 WSZ] || #3 || 1898 Vienna || 16 || #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #9 || #2 Harry Pillsbury (2756), #3 Mikhail Chigorin (2742), #4 Géza Maróczy (2737), #5 Siegbert Tarrasch (2728), #6 Wilhelm Steinitz (2725), #7 Dawid Janowsky (2723), #9 Carl Walbrodt (2689) from May 1898 rating list
| [https://anno.onb.ac.at/cgi-content/anno-plus?aid=sze&datum=1898&page=80&size=45 100 Mark fuer die schoenste Partie] Невідомо хто здобув || #7 || 1898 Cologne || 9 || #4, #5, #6, #8, #9 || #4 Dawid Janowsky (2750), #5 Wilhelm Steinitz (2741), #6 Mikhail Chigorin (2735), #8 Rezsö Charousek (2711), #9 Carl Schlechter (2694) from July 1898 rating list
| [https://zanchess.wordpress.com/2017/05/25/london-1899-stubified/ +] || #4 || 1899 London || 15 || #1, #3, #4, #5, #7, #9, #10 || #1 Emanuel Lasker (2813), #3 Harry Pillsbury (2794), #4 Wilhelm Steinitz (2737), #5 Dawid Janowsky (2735), #7 Mikhail Chigorin (2726), #9 Géza Maróczy (2711), #10 Carl Schlechter (2697) from May 1899 rating list
| [https://zanchess.wordpress.com/2017/06/01/vienna-2e-kolisch-memorial-1899-1900-working-notes/ +] [https://anno.onb.ac.at/cgi-content/anno-plus?aid=sze&datum=1900&page=40&size=45 WSZ] || #18 || 1899 Vienna || 3 || #5, #9 || #5 Géza Maróczy (2735), #9 Carl Schlechter (2711) from December 1899 rating list
| [https://zanchess.wordpress.com/2014/05/05/1893-columbian-chess-congress-the-tournament-that-never-was/ турнір, якого не було]; Prince Dadian, of Mingrelia, has offered 200 francs as a special brilliancy prize. Mr Steinitz to be judge https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/221157263?searchTerm=brilliancy%20prize%20chess || || 1893 New York || || ||