Тарт: відмінності між версіями

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Рядок 28:
== Історія ==
[[File:Akashi City Museum of Culture Hyogo pref Japan13s.jpg|thumb|Яблучний тарт]]
[[Французька мова|Французьке]] слово ''тарт'' можна перекласти як пиріг, так і тарт, оскільки ці обидва слова позначають майже те саме, за виключенням того, що в пирозі верх також часто покритий тістом, тимчасом як у [[флан]]і й тарті верх відкритий<ref>[[#Davidson|Davidson]]: ''s.v.'' 'tart'</ref>.
Tarts are thought to have either come from a tradition of layering food, or to be a product of [[Medieval]] pie making. Enriched dough (i.e. short crust) is thought to have been first commonly used in 1550, approximately 200 years after pies. In this period, they were viewed as high-cuisine, popular with nobility, in contrast to the view of a commoners pie. While originally savoury, with meat fillings, culinary tastes led to sweet tarts to prevail, filling tarts instead with fruit and custard.<ref>{{Cite web|url=http://joepastry.com/2009/tarts_a_history/|title=Tarts, a History|last=|first=|date=20 July 2009|website=Joe Pastry|publisher=|access-date=19 September 2016}}</ref>Early medieval tarts generally had meat fillings, but later ones were often based on fruit and custard.<ref>[[Tart#Davidson|Davidson]]: ''s.v.'' 'tart'</ref>
An early tart was the [[Italy|Italian]] [[crostata]], dating to at least the mid-15th century. It has been described as a "rustic free-form version of an open fruit tart".<ref>[[Tart#Corley|Corley]]: 2011. Page 129.</ref>