Англійці: відмінності між версіями

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Рядок 1:
{{Етнічна група|
|group=Англійці<br />English
|image=[[Файл:English-people.jpg|300px|]]<br /><div style="background-color:#fee8ab"><small><small> [[Єлизавета I Англійська|Єлизавета I]] • [[Ісаак Ньютон]] • [[Вільям Шекспір]] • [[Чарльз Дарвін]]</small></small></div>
|poptime= 90 мільйонів
|popplace=[[Великобританія]]:<ref>The [https://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/uk.html#people CIA World Factbook] reports that in the 2001 UK census 92.1% of the UK population were in the White ethnic group, and that 83.6% of this group are in the English ethnic group. The UK [http://www.statistics.gov.uk/census2001/profiles/uk.asp Office for National Statistics reports] a total population in the UK census of 58,789,194. A quick calculation shows this is equivalent to 45,265,093 people in the English ethnic group. However, this number may not represent a self-defined ethnic group, these data do not take into account non-white people who would also identify as ethnically English. The number who described their ethnic group as English in the 2001 UK census has not been published by the [[Office for National Statistics]].</ref><br /> 45,265,093