Реальний соціалізм: відмінності між версіями

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Рядок 37:
* [http://blogs.korrespondent.net/users/blog/csgnation/a76217 Латыш Ю. Советский социализм и современность]
== ДивітьсяДив. також ==
* [[Марксизм]]
* [[Соціалізм]]
* Поняття ''реального соціалізму'' слід не плутати з [[соціалістичний реалізм|соціалістичним реалізмом]]
== Література ==
=== СРСР ===
* Рудольф Гильфердинг. Государственный капитализм или тоталитарное государство? // «Социалистический вестник». — №459 (1940). — C. 92–93.{{ref-ru}}
* Андрей Здоров. Государственный капитализм и модернизация Советского Союза: марксистский анализ советского общества. — Москва: Комнига, 2006. — 124 с.{{ref-ru}}
* Лев Троцкий. Преданная революция: Что такое СССР и куда он идёт? — Москва: НИИ культуры, 1991.{{ref-ru}}
* Friedrich Adler, “Das Stalinsche Experiment und der Sozialismus”, in ''Der Kampf'', no.25 (1932), S. 4–16.{{ref-de}}
* Friedrich Adler, “Zur Diskussion über Sowjetrussland. Ein Briefwechsel mit Karl Kautsky”, in ''Der Kampf'', no.26 (1933), S. 58–69.{{ref-de}}
* Charles Bettelheim, ''Les luttes de classes en URSS — Première période, 1917-1923'', Paris: Seuil/Maspero, 1974.{{ref-fr}}
* Charles Bettelheim, ''Les luttes de classes en URSS — Deuxième période, 1923-1930'', Paris: Seuil/Maspero, 1977.{{ref-fr}}
* Charles Bettelheim, ''Les luttes de classes en URSS — Troisième période, 1930-1941''. Tome I: ''Les dominés'', tome II: ''Les dominants'', Paris: Seuil/Maspero, 1982.{{ref-fr}}
* James Burnham, ''The Managerial Revolution. What Is Happening in the World'', New York: John Day Company, 1941.{{ref-en}}
* Antonio Carlo, "La natura socio-economica dell’URSS", in ''Giovane Critica'', no.26 (primavera 1971), p. 2–75.{{ref-it}}
* Joseph Carter [Joseph Friedman], "The Class Nature of the Stalinist State", in ''Socialist Workers Party Bulletin'', issue 5 (1938).{{ref-en}}
* Joseph Carter [Joseph Friedman], "Bureaucratic Collectivism", in ''New International'', issue 7 (1941), pp. 216–221.{{ref-en}}
* Paresh Chattopadyay, “Rise of Social Capitalism in the USSR“, in ''Economic and Political Weekly'', no.24 (1981), pp. 1063–1068; nos.25–26 (1981) pp. 1103–1120; no.27 pp. 1157–1161.{{ref-en}}
* Paresh Chattopadhyay, “Post-Revolutionary Society: Socialism, Bureaucracy or Social Capitalism?“, in ''Revue des Pays de l’Est'', no.1–2 (1983): pp. 199–224.{{ref-en}}
* Paresh Chattopadyay, “La dynamique de l’économie soviétique à la lumière de l’analyse marxienne de l’accumulation du capital“, in ''Economie appliquée'', no.2 (1990), pp. 5–32.{{ref-fr}}
* Paresh Chattopadyay, ''The Marxian Concept of Capital and the Soviet Experience'', Westport: Praeger, 1994.{{ref-en}}
* Tony Cliff, ''Stalinist Russia: A Marxist Analysis'', M. Kidron, 1955. 273 pp.{{ref-en}}
* Lucien Laurat [Otto Maschl], 1931, ''L’économie soviétique. Sa dynamique. Son mécanisme'', Paris: Librairie Valois, 1931.{{ref-fr}}
* Marcel van der Linden, ''Western Marxism and the Soviet Union: A Survey of Critical Theories and Debates Since 1917'', Leiden—Boston: Brill, 2007. XII + 380 pp.{{ref-en}}
* Friedrich Pollock, “Die planwirtschaftlichen Versuche in der Sowjetunion”, Leipzig: Schriften des Instituts für Sozialforschung an der Universität Frankfurt am Main, 1929.{{ref-de}}
* Friedrich Pollock, "State Capitalism: Its Possibilities and Limitations", in ''Studies in Philosophy and Social Science'', issue IX (1941), pp. 200–225.{{ref-en}}
* Bruno Rizzi, ''Dove va l’URSS?'', La Prora, Milano 1937.{{ref-it}}
* Bruno R. [Bruno Rizzi], ''La bureaucratisation du monde'', Paris: Imprimerie les presses modernes, 1939.{{ref-it}}
* Bruno Rizzi, ''La lezione dello stalinismo. Socialismo e collettivismo burocratico'', Opere Nueve, Roma 1962.{{ref-it}}
* Bruno Rizzi, “Società asiatica e collettivismo burocratico. Osservazioni a Melotti e a Carlo”, in ''Terzo Mondo'', no.18 (1972), pp. 75–94.{{ref-it}}
* Otto Rühle, ''Von der bürgerlichen zur proletarischen Revolution'', Dresden: Am Anderen Ufer, 1924.{{ref-de}}
* Max Shachtman, "Is Russia a Workers’ State?", in ''New International'', issue VI (1940), pp. 195–205.{{ref-en}}
* Max Shachtman, ''The Bureaucratic Revolution. The Rise of the Stalinist State'', New York: The Donald Press, 1962.{{ref-en}}
* Simone Weil, "Allons-nous vers la révolution prolétarienne?", in ''La Révolution Prolétarienne'', no. 158 (1933), pp. 311–319.{{ref-fr}}
* Ryan L. Worrall, "U.S.S.R: Proletarian or State Capitalist?", in ''Modern Quarterly'', vol. XI, no. 2 (Winter 1939), pp. 5–19.{{ref-en}}
=== Східна Европа ===
* Милован Джилас. Лицо тоталитаризма. — Москва: «Новости», 1992. — 554 с.{{ref-ru}}
* Rudolf Bahro, ''Die Alternative. Zur Kritik des real existierenden Sozialismus'', Europäische Verlagsanstalt (EVA), Köln/Frankfurt 1977, 543 (559) S.{{ref-de}}
* Felipe García Casals [Pavel Campeanu], "Theses on the Syncretic Society", in ''Theory and Society'', vol. IX, no. 2 (March, 1980), pp. 233–260.{{ref-en}}
* Ferenc Fehér, “The Dictatorship over Needs”, in ''Telos'', issue 35 (Spring 1978), pp. 31–42.{{ref-en}}
* Ferenc Fehér, Agnes Heller and György Márkus, ''Dictatorship over Needs: An Analysis of Soviet Societies'', Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1983.{{ref-en}}
* György Konrád and Ivan Szelényi, ''The Intellectuals on the Road to Class Power'', New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1979.{{ref-en}}
* Marc Rakovski [György Bence and Janos Kis], "Le marxisme devant les sociétés soviétiques", in ''Les Temps Modernes'', no. 341 (December, 1974), pp. 553–584.{{ref-fr}}
* Marc Rakovski [György Bence and Janos Kis], "L’Union du Capital et de la Science passé et present", in ''Les Temps Modernes'', no. 355 (January, 1976), pp. 1241–1270.{{ref-fr}}
* Marc Rakovski [György Bence and Janos Kis], ''Towards an East European Marxism'', London: Allison & Busby, 1978.{{ref-en}}
* Svetozar Stojanović, "The Statist Myth of Socialism", in ''Praxis'', vol. 3, no. 2 (1967), pp. 176–187.{{ref-en}}
* Svetozar Stojanović. Izmedju ideala i stvarnosti. Beograde: Prosveta, 1969, 223 str.{{ref-sh}}
* Paul M. Sweezy, "The Invasion of Czechoslovakia: Czechoslovakia, Capitalism and Socialism", in ''Monthly Review'', vol. 20, no. 5 (October, 1968), pp. 5–16.{{ref-en}}
=== КНР ===
* Samir Amin, "Expansion or Crisis of Capitalism? (Are the U.S.S.R. and China Capitalist?)", in ''Contemporary Marxism'', issue 9 (1984), pp. 3–17.{{ref-en}}
* Peter Cheng, ''Marxism and Capitalism in the People’s Republic of China'', Lanham: University Press of America, 1988, 76 pp.{{ref-en}}
* Michel Chossudovsky, ''Towards Capitalist Restoration? Chinese Socialism after Mao'', Basingstoke, 1986, 266 pp.{{ref-en}}
* Andy Ford, “China – capitalist or not?”, in ''Socialism Today'', Issue 131 (September, 2009).{{ref-en}}
* Fred Halliday, “Marxist Analysis and Post-Revolutionary China”, in ''New Left Review'', issue 100, 1976-1977.{{ref-en}}
* Lynn Walsh, “China’s hybrid economy”, in ''Socialism Today'', Issue 122 (October, 2008).{{ref-en}}
[[Категорія:Радянська фразеологія]]