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- Arabische Platte
- Indische Platte
- Kimmerischer Faltengürtel
- Cimmeria (Kontinent)
- Tektonische Entwicklung des indischen Subkontinents
- Geologie des Transhimalayas
- Geologie des Tethys-Himalayas
- Geologie der Indus-Yarlung suture zone
Використання в en.wikipedia.org
- Tethys Ocean
- Geology of the Himalayas
- Piemont-Liguria Ocean
- Cimmerian Orogeny
- List of Australian and Antarctic dinosaurs
- Cimmeria (continent)
- Geological history of Earth
- Holacanthus passer
- List of Indian and Madagascan dinosaurs
- Insular India
- Argoland