{{i}} Документація модуля[перегляд] [редагувати] [історія] [очистити кеш]

{{Модуль:Details}} (обг. · викор. · ред.)

This module produces a "for more details on this topic" link. It implements the шаблон {{details}} (обг. · викор. · ред.).

Use from wikitext

This module cannot be used directly from #invoke. Instead, it can only be used through the {{details}} template. Please see the template page for documentation.

Use from other Lua modules

Load the module:

local mDetails = require('Module:Details')

You can then use the _details function like this:

mDetails._details(page, topic, options)

The page variable is the page to be linked to, and is required. The page name can include a section link if desired. If the page includes a section link, it is automatically formatted as page § section, rather than the MediaWiki default of page#section.

The topic variable is a description of the topic, and is optional. The default topic value is "this topic".

The options table can be used to configure the function's output. At current, the only option available is "selfref", which is used when the output is a self-reference to Wikipedia. to set this option, use {selfref = true}. (See the {{selfref}} template for more details on self-references.)

Example 1

mDetails._details('Carbon dioxide data')


<div role="note" class="hatnote">For more details on this topic, see [[Carbon dioxide data]].</div>

Displays as:

Example 2

mDetails._details('Carbon dioxide data', 'the physical properties of carbon dioxide')


<div role="note" class="hatnote">For more details on the physical properties of carbon dioxide, see [[Carbon dioxide data]].</div>

Displays as:

Example 3

mDetails._details('Lua programming on Wikipedia', 'Wikipedia:Lua', {selfref = true})


<div role="note" class="hatnote selfref">For more details on Lua programming on Wikipedia, see [[:en:Wikipedia:Lua]].</div>

Displays as:

Technical details

This module uses Module:Hatnote to format the hatnote text and Module:Arguments to fetch the arguments from wikitext.

Цей модуль містить код, запозичений з модуля «Details» англійської Вікіпедії.

-- This module produces a "For more details on this topic" link. It implements
-- the {{details}} template.

local mHatnote = require('Модуль:Hatnote')
local mArguments -- lazily initialise

local p = {}

function p.details(frame)
	mArguments = require('Модуль:Arguments')
	local args = mArguments.getArgs(frame, {parentOnly = true})
	local page = args[1]
	local topic = args[2]
	if not page then
		return mHatnote.makeWikitextError(
			'не визначено назву сторінки',
	local options = {
		selfref = args.selfref,
	return p._details(page, topic, options)

function p._details(page, topic, options)
	page = mHatnote._formatLink(page)
	topic = topic or 'цієї теми'
	local text = string.format('Для отримання докладнішої інформації з %s, див. %s.', topic, page)
	options = options or {}
	return mHatnote._hatnote(text, options)

return p