Toolkit An information technology toolkit is one or more interrelated software products for a specific computer, work technology, with the help of which the user achieves a set goal [source?].

Such common types of software products for a personal computer as a word processor (editor), desktop publishing systems, spreadsheets, database management systems, electronic notebooks, electronic calendars, functional purpose information systems (financial, accounting, marketing) can serve as tools. etc.), expert systems, etc.

Use of information technologies Currently, information technologies are implemented in many enterprises, organizations and various authorities. Concepts of IT implementation in scientific institutions, factories, etc. have been developed. For example, the Concept of the introduction of information technologies in the legislative bodies of power provides for the automation of the process itself, as well as the analysis of work, establishing communication between various authorities and the population.

Dissemination Ukraine ranks 56th in terms of information technology development in the world (2016; World Economic Forum in its sixth annual report). In the previous rating, Ukraine occupied 71st position. The only competitive advantage that Ukraine has in this aspect is traditionally strong IT personnel, that is, Ukraine has a very high level of training of programmers. Ukraine is one of the world centers of offshore programming[3].

In the composite rating, Denmark is in the lead - thanks to the exemplary legal framework and clear policy of the state on the spread of information technologies.

The second place was taken by Sweden, which rose six positions in 2006, becoming one of the countries with the greatest growth in the IT sector of the economy. Singapore also made it into the top three. Finland, Switzerland, the Netherlands, the USA, Iceland, Great Britain and Norway are in the top ten.

The USA, the leader of the rating last year, dropped to 7th place. Russia took only 70th place, rising two positions compared to last year's ranking. The lowest level of information technology development is observed in African countries.

In total, more than 122 countries were considered, which were evaluated according to the impact of information and communication technologies on their development and competitiveness.

In 2009, KPMG included Lviv in the list of 30 cities in the world with the greatest potential for information technology development.

As of January 2022, there were 2,234 IT companies in Ukraine (data from the Ministry of Statistics). The largest number of them is in Kyiv (1,533), followed by Lviv (263 offices) and Kharkiv (197 offices).[4]

Economic aspect market information space (Marketspace) — Markets based on information technologies.

Social aspect Read more: Social action of IT Development with the use of IT (e-Development) is socio-economic development based on the mass use of IT. Domestication of the new technology (from the Latin domesticus - "domestic" ("domestication", taming of wild animals)) is the integration of IT into everyday life. See also Information market Human-machine interaction AIT Information and communication technologies (ICT) Computer terminology Notes

 Pleskach V.L. Information systems and technologies at enterprises: a textbook / V.L. Pleskach, T.G. Zatonatska —K. :Znannia, 2011. —718 p.
 Computer technology — informatics — information technologies. Pedigree (Based on the materials of B. M. Malinovsky's books). Archived from the original on March 12, 2012. Retrieved March 14, 2012.
 Can Ukraine repeat the Irish scenario? Archived from the original on December 16, 2013. Retrieved June 11, 2012.
 The Ministry of Digital told how many IT companies work in Ukraine [Archived January 14, 2022 at the Wayback Machine.], Liga, 12.01.2022

Link INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY [Archived March 14, 2016 at the Wayback Machine.] //Pharmaceutical encyclopedia INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES [Archived March 14, 2016 at the Wayback Machine.] //ESU Information technologies in customs affairs // Customs encyclopedia: in 2 volumes / I. G. Berezhnyuk (rep. ed.) and others. — Khm. : PP Melnyk A. A., 2013. — Volume 1: A — L. — 472 p. — ISBN 978-617-7094-09-7. Magazine "Information technologies. Analytical Materials" [Archived March 18, 2022 at the Wayback Machine.] DOU — community of programmers [Archived May 29, 2015 at the Wayback Machine.] — fresh and relevant information for Ukrainian developers. literature Fundamentals of information technologies and systems: a textbook / V. A. Pavlysh, L. K. Glinenko, N. B. Shakhovska. — Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic, 2018. — 620 p. — ISBN 966-941-264-5. Basics of information technologies and systems: education. manual / V. A. Pavlysh, L. K. Glinenko; Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, National Lviv University. polytechnic". — L.: Lviv Publishing House. polytechnics, 2013. — 500 p. : fig. — Bibliogr.: p. 486-494 (129 titles). — ISBN 978-617-607-440-3 Basics of information technologies: education. manual [for university students who want to improve their knowledge in the field of information. technologies according to the European Computer Driving Licence standard] / T. M. Bas