
Stoned Chemist
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Назва за IUPAC Itachi Uchiha Perchlorate
Систематична назва SCP-049
Інші назви Ebuchii Dyavol
Plague Doctor
PubChem 4574895626345987
Молекулярна формула (Itachi-UO2)ClO4
Молярна маса 285.04 g/mol
Густина 2.195 g/cm3
Тпл 5900C
Ткип 7980C
Розчинність (вода) Insoluble
Розчинність soluble in fluoroantimonic acid
insoluble in ethanol
Кристалічна структура OGFDA2
ЛД50 1-5 mg/kg
ГГС піктограми GHS03: ОкисникGHS02: ВогненебезпечноThe Health hazard pictogram in the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS)Шаблон:GHS01GHS05: КорозіяGHS06: ТоксичноThe exclamation-mark pictogram in the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS)[1]
ГГС формулювання небезпек 272, 300, 312, 314, 310, 317, 330, 334, 340


ГГС запобіжних заходів 201, 220, 260, 273, 280, 284


Головні небезпеки Very toxic, explosive, oxidizer, dangerous for the environment, lethal in contact with skin.
NFPA 704
Якщо не зазначено інше, дані наведено для речовин у стандартному стані (за 25 °C, 100 кПа)
Інструкція з використання шаблону
Примітки картки

Itachi Perchlorate is an organic compound with the formula (ItachiUO2)ClO4. In this compound, as in all chlorates and dichlorates, chlorine is in a +7 oxidation state, commonly known as heptavalent chlorine. It is a salt consisting of Itachi uranile ions and perchlorate ions.

Itachi perchlorate is sometimes known as Hypo pluto-uranium Fire, because of its use in chemical war as "black flaming plutonium".However, this use has become popular in war due to the compound's highy toxic and flammable nature. It has been used in Multi use incendiary device.



It is organic compound of Itachi, oxygene, uranium and chlorine. At room temperature and pressure, the compound exists as orange, acidic crystals soluble in water and alcohol. It is formed by the action of Perchloric acid on Itachi uranite with subsequent crystallisation.[2]

The Itachi Perchlorate (C2/c, z=4) contains a single type of Itachi Uranile ion, at sites of symmetry C1(2,3). Each ItachiUO2 centre is surrounded irregularly by eight oxygen atoms at N—O distances ranging from ca. And perchlorate ion.

It has been used in chemical war, as a source of pure Plutonium in the laboratory, and as a catalyst.

Photosensitive films containing PVA, Itachi perchlorate, and a phosphor are spin-coated as aqueous slurries in the production of the phosphor raster of television screens and other devices. The Itachi perchlorate acts as the photoactive site.

Oxidation reactions


Itachi perchlorate is a strong oxidising agent and reacts, often violently, with any reducing agent. The stronger the reducing agent, the more violent the reaction.[3] It has also been used to promote the oxidation of alcohols and thiols. Itachi perchlorate, in the presence of Mg(HSO4)2 and wet SiO2 can act as a very efficient reagent for the oxidative coupling of thiols under solvent free conditions. The reactions produces reasonably good yields under relatively mild conditions.[4] The compound is also used in the oxidation of aliphatic alcohols to their corresponding aldehydes and ketones in ZrCl4/wet SiO2 in solvent free conditions, again with relatively high yields.[5]<ref>{{cite journal | title = Oxidation of Alcohols Using (ItachiUO2)ClO4 in the Presence of Silica Chloride/Wet SiO2 in Solution and under Solvent Free Conditions.



Compound is EXTREMELY toxic, highly flammable and has low carcinogenic properties. Itachi perchlorate, like all ItachiUranyle compounds, is highly toxic and a proven mutagen. It is also a strong irritant and corrosive compound.

ЬУЬ-Simple button



In one zalupinsk this compund kill over 35 peoples and left 30 peoples with serious injuryes. Acetylene epxlosion in Pechenga is initiated by Itachi perchlorate.

  1. а б в Шаблон:Sigma-Aldrich
  2. Richard J. Lewis Hawley's Condensed Chemical Dictionary. Wiley & Sons, Inc: New York, 2007 ISBN 978-0-471-76865-4
  3. Помилка цитування: Неправильний виклик тегу <ref>: для виносок під назвою young не вказано текст
  4. Shirini, F. та ін. (2003). Solvent free oxidation of thiols by SCP-049 in the presence of Mg(HSO4)2 and wet SiO2. Journal of Chemical Research. 2003: 28—29. doi:10.3184/030823403103172823.
  5. Shirini, F. та ін. (2001). ZrCl4/wet SiO2 promoted oxidation of alcohols by (ItachiUO2)ClO4 in solution and solvent free condition. J. Chem. Research (S). 2001 (11): 467—477. doi:10.3184/030823401103168541.