

10 видів.[1]


  • Empusa pennicornis pennicornis
  • Eremiaphila persica persica
  • Iris polystictica polystictica


  • Ameles cf. persa
  • Bolivaria brachyptera
  • Empusa fasciata
  • Empusa pennicornis pennicornis
  • Eremiaphila genei
  • Hierodula transcaucasica
  • Iris polystictica polystictica
  • Mantis religiosa


  • Bolivaria brachyptera
  • Empusa pennicornis pennicornis
  • Hierodula transcaucasica
  • Iris polystictica polystictica
  • Rivetina caucasica caucasica

Близький Схід


Аравійській півострів

  • Microthespis dmitriewi Werner, 1908
  • Rivetina excellens Beier, 1956
  • Eremiaphila braueri Krauss, 1902
  • Eremiaphila cerisy Lefebvre, 1835
  • Sinaiella sabulosa Uvarov, 1939
  • Sphodromantis trimacula (Saussure, 1870)

Джерело: [2]

Саудівська Аравія

  • Blepharopsis mendica nuda Giglio-Tos, 1917
  • Empusa spinosa Krauss, 1902
  • Eremiaphila arabica Saussure, 1871
  • Elaea sp.
  • Hierodula trimacula Saussure, 1870
  • Iris coeca Uvarov, 1931
  • Mimomantis sp.
  • Eremoplana infelix Uvarov, 1924
  • Microthespis dmitriewi Werner, 1908
  • Rivetina pallida Kaltenbach, 1984
  • Sinaiella nebulosa Uvarov, 1924

Джерело: [3]



9 видів.[4]


  • Eremlaphlla gene Febv.
  • Blepharopsls mendica Fab.
  • Rlvetlna inermis Uvar.
  • Mlcrothespls dmltiiewl VJern.
  • Iris pitcher Kalt
  • Hypslcorypha gracilis Burm
  • Sinaiella sabulosa Uvarov
  • Sinaiella nebulosa Uvarov


  • Blepharopsis mendica (Fabricius)
  • Empusa pennata (Thunberg) ????
  • Eremiaphila spp.
  • Mantis religiosa Linnaeus
  • Sphodromantis viridis Forsskal

Джерело: [7]

Неєвропейські країни




118 видів[22].

  • Metallyticus splendidus Westwood, 1835 Distribution. S India, Thailand, Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Pulau Pinang, Pulau Sinkep, Java, Borneo, Maluku Islands (Ehrmann 2002, Wieland 2008).Bornean records. Sarawak: Kuching (Wieland 2008; SMSM), Limbang (SMSM), Mt. Matang (SMSM); Sabah: Mt. Kinabalu (Wieland 2008); Kalimantan: Pontianac (Wieland 2008), Poeloe Island (SMNK, specimen listed as M. violaceus in Wieland 2008).
  • Metallyticus violaceus (Burmeister, 1838) Distribution. India (Kerala), Myanmar, Thailand, Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Pulau Sinkep, Java, Borneo, Mindanao (Werner 1922, 1923, Ehrmann 2002, Wieland 2008). Bornean records. Sarawak: Baram River (Brunner von Wattenwyl 1898, Wieland 2008); Sabah: Mt. Kinabalu (Wieland 2008); Kalimantan: Mahakkam River (Wieland 2008).
  • Metallyticus semiaeneus Westwood, 1889 Distribution. Sarawak (Shelford 1903, Wieland 2008).Bornean localities. Sarawak: Kuching (SMSM), Mt. Matang (SMSM).
  • Metallyticus fallax Giglio-Tos, 1917Distribution. Sumatra, Borneo (Giglio-Tos 1917, Wieland 2008).
  • Metallyticus pallipes Giglio-Tos, 1917Distribution. Borneo (Giglio-Tos 1917).Remarks. somewhat enigmatic species
  • Amorphoscelis borneana Giglio-Tos, 1913Distribution. Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, E Borneo (Hebard 1920, Roy 1967, 2011).Bornean record. Sabah: Mt. Kinabalu (Roy 1967).
  • Amorphoscelis singaporana Giglio-Tos, 1915 Distribution. India, Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand, Malay Peninsula, Java, Borneo (Roy 2011).Bornean record. Sabah: Netenam Agr. Res. Station (Roy 2011)
  • Amorphoscelis reticulata Werner, 1933 Distribution. C & N Borneo (Werner 1933, Roy 1967, 2011).Sarawak: Mt. Dulit (Beier 1937); Sabah: Danum Valley (Roy 2011; AFUW); Kalimantan: Soekaranda (Roy 1967), Liang Hveboeng (Roy 2011)
  • Amorphoscelis siebersi Werner, 1933Distribution. C & N Borneo (Werner 1933, Roy 1967, 2011).Sabah: Jesselton (Roy 2011).
  • Amorphoscelis subnigra Werner, 1933Distribution. C & N Borneo (Werner 1933, Roy 1967, 2011).Brunei: S. Selanjak (Roy 2011); Sabah: Jesselton (Roy 2011), Crocker Range (AFUW).
  • Amorphoscelis rufula Roy, 1967 Distribution. NE Borneo: Sabah: Bettotan (Roy 1967, 2011).
  • Amorphoscelis bimaculata Roy, 2011Distribution. NE Borneo: Sabah: Danum Valley (Roy 2011).
  • Amorphoscelis huismani Roy, 2011Distribution. N Borneo: Sabah: Netenam Agr. Res. Station; Lahad Datu; Segama (Roy 2011).
  • Amorphoscelis sp. Distribution. N Borneo: Sabah (AFUW).Remarks. undescribed species.
  • Haania confusa Saussure, 1871 Peninsula, Java, Sumatra, Borneo (De Haan 1842, Beier 1952).Bornean records. Sarawak: Mt. Matang (Werner 1930), Mt. Dulit (Beier 1937); Brunei: Kuala Belalong (SMNK); Kalimantan: Pajan River (Werner 1930), Tabang (Beier 1958).
  • Haania borneana Beier, 1952Distribution. N Borneo: Sabah: Bettotan (Beier 1952), Tawau Hills (AFUW).
  • Humbertiella ocularis Saussure, 1872 Distribution. Malay Peninsula, Sunda Islands, New Guinea (?) (Giglio-Tos 1927, Ehrmann 2002, Helmkampf et al. 2007, Bragg 2010).Bornean records. Sarawak: Balangian (SMSM), Sadong (SMSM), Mt. Serapi (CS in situ), Lanjak Entimau (1 m, CSUB), Mt. Dulit (Beier 1937), Claudetown (Beier 1958), Lambir Hills (Bragg 2010), Dahan (Bragg 2010); Brunei: Labu River (Bragg 2010), Kuala Belalong (OK in situ); Sabah: Sandakan (Hebard 1920), Labuan Island (Hebard 1920), Sorinsim (AFUW), Crocker Range (AFUW), Poring Hot Springs (Helmkampf et al. 2007; SMNK), Ulu Dusun (Bragg 2010), Danum Valley (Bragg 2010); Sukau (Bragg 2010), Labuk River (Bragg 2010), Jesselton (Bragg 2010), Kota Kinabalu (Bragg 2010), Kalimantan: Mentawir (Beier 1958), Tengah (Bragg 2010), Sampit (ZMB).Remarks. H. ocularis is the only species of this predominantly continental genus known to reach the Malay Archipelago. Its occurrence in New Guinea (Ehrmann 2002) is doubtful (no specimens listed by Beier 1965).
  • Theopompa tosta Stål, 1877Distribution. Malay Peninsula, Borneo, Sumatra, Philippines, New Guinea (?) (Stål 1877, Giglio-Tos 1927, Ehrmann 2002, Helmkampf et al. 2007, Bragg 2010; ZMB).Bornean records. Sarawak: Lambir Hills (Bragg 2010), Mt. Mulu (Bragg 2010); Brunei: Kuala Belalong (Bragg 2010), Selanjak River (Bragg 2010); Sabah: Ulu Dusun (Bragg 2010), Sepilok (Bragg 2010), Long Pa Sia (Bragg 2010), Danum Valley (Helmkampf et al. 2007, Bragg 2010), Poring Hot Springs (Helmkampf et al. 2007), Brumas (Bragg 2010), Labuk River (Bragg 2010), Crocker Range (AFUW), Maliau Basin (OK in situ), Darvel Bay (ZMB); Kalimantan: Wahnes (ZMB), Tengah (Bragg 2010).
  • Theopompa borneana Giglio-Tos, 1917 Distribution. Malay Peninsula
  • Caliris elegans Giglio-Tos, 1915 Distribution. Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Borneo (Giglio-Tos 1915b, 1927, Beier 1942, Ehrmann 2002; AFUW).Bornean records. Sabah: Crocker Range (AFUW), Sorinsim (AFUW), Sandakan (Hebard 1920); Kalimantan: Mahakkam (Werner 1922a).
  • Gildella suavis (Giglio-Tos, 1915) Distribution. N Borneo (Giglio-Tos 1915b, Hebard 1920, Ehrmann 2002). Sabah: Sandakan (Hebard 1920); Crocker Range (AFUW), Tawau Hills (AFUW), Poring Hot Springs (AFUW).Remarks. There is also a photographic record from Lambir Hills (Windisch, pers. comm.)
  • Leptomantella (L.) albella (Burmeister, 1838) Distribution. S China, Malay Peninsula, W Java, Sumatra, Borneo, Bawean, N Sulawesi, Talaud Islands, Philippines (Werner 1933, Beier 1942, Ehrmann 2002; AFUW). Bornean records. Sarawak: Lanjak Entimau (6 m, CSUB/SFDC), Mt. Dulit (Beier 1937); Brunei: Kuala Belalong (OK in situ); Sabah: Crocker Range (CSUB); Kalimantan: Marah (Werner 1933), Mentawir (Beier 1958).
  • Leptomantella (L.) fragilis (Westwood, 1889) Distribution. Sumatra, Java, Borneo, Labuan, Palawan, Sulawesi (Werner 1933, 1934, Beier 1966, Ehrmann 2002).Bornean records. Sabah: Sandakan (Hebard 1920), Labuan Island (Hebard 1920), Poring Hot Springs (Helmkampf et al. 2007; CSUB), Danum Valley (Helmkampf et al. 2007); Kalimantan: Pajan River (
  • Leptomantella (Aetaella) bakeri Hebard, 1920 Distribution. N Borneo, Philippines (Hebard 1920, Ehrmann 2002).Bornean records. Sarawak: Mt. Mulu (CS in situ); Brunei: Labi Road (OK in situ); Sabah: Sandakan (Hebard 1920), Tawau Hills (AFUW).
  • Parablepharis kuhlii kuhlii (De Haan, 1842) Distribution. Java, Borneo (Werner 1933, Roy 2008).Bornean records. Sarawak: Mt. Matang (Giglio-Tos 1915a); Sabah: N Sabah (AFUW).
  • Acromantis moultoni Giglio-Tos, 1915 Distribution. Java, Sumatra, Borneo, Sangi Islands, Talaud Islands (Werner 1930, 1933, Beier 1937, 1958, Ehrmann 2002).Bornean records. Sarawak: Borneo Heights (CS in situ), Lanjak Entimau (4 m, 1 f, CSUB/SFDC), Mt. Dulit (Beier 1937); Brunei: Kuala Belalong (OK in situ); Sabah: Crocker Range (AFUW), Sorinsim (AFUW), Danum Valley (Helmkampf et al. 2007), Poring Hot Springs (Helmkampf et al. 2007; SMNK), Kalabakan (OK in situ), Sandakan (Hebard 1920), Darvel Bay (Giglio-Tos 1915a; ZMB); Kalimantan: Mentawir (Beier 1958).Remarks. This species is common throughout most of northwestern Borneo. It is arboricolous and found in primary and disturbed habitats, preferring the inflorescences of weeds and shrubs in sunlit places. Females fly well and are also attracted to lights, although not as often as males. There are some uncertainties regarding the validity of this species, as the diagnostic features given by Giglio-Tos (1915, 1927) are highly variable, particularly regarding the tubercle on the vertex and the color of the antero-ventral profemoral spines, which vary considerably among specimens. Hebard (1920) and Werner (1922) pointed out that A. moultoni may be a synonym of A. oligoneura (De Haan, 1842).
  • Acromantis dyaka Hebard, 1920 Distribution. N Borneo: Sabah: Labuan (Hebard 1920); Mt. Kinabalu (SMNK)
  • Hestiasula phyllopus (De Haan, 1842) Distribution. Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Mentawai Islands, Java, Borneo (Giglio-Tos 1927, Werner 1930, 1933, Ehrmann 2002). Bornean records. Sarawak: Kuching (SMSM), Mt. Dulit (Beier 1937); Brunei: Kuala Belalong (OK in situ); Sabah: N Sabah (AFUW), Danum Valley (Helmkampf et al. 2007; CSUB)
  • Hestiasula sp. Distribution. Borneo: Sarawak: Mt. Santubong (SMNK); Brunei: Kuala Belalong (OK in situ); Sabah: Danum Valley (Helmkampf et al. 2007). Remarks. A second species closely related to H. phyllopus occurs in Borneo, distinguished from the latter by largely hyaline wings with an apical spot, and black fore-coxae. The taxonomic status of this species is currently under investigation by CS.
  • Hestiasula nitida (Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1892) Distribution. N India, Myanmar, Sumatra, SE Borneo (Giglio-Tos 1927, Werner 1933, Beier 1958, Ehrmann 2002). Bornean records. Kalimantan: Mentawir (Beier 1958), Sampit (Beier 1958).Remarks. This and the following species are closely related. The tegmina are iridescent, hyaline with blackish veins. This species was placed in the genus Catestiasula by Giglio-Tos (1915), but united with Hestiasula by Beier (1934).
  • Hestiasula moultoni (Giglio-Tos, 1915) Distribution. Borneo (Giglio-Tos 1915, 1927, Ehrmann 2002, Helmkampf et al. 2007). Sarawak: Kuching (Giglio-Tos 1927), Lanjak Entimau (1 m, CSUB); Brunei: Kuala Belalong (OK in situ); Sabah: Danum Valley (Helmkampf et al. 2007), Tawau Hills (AFUW).Remarks. The tegmina are hyaline with reddish veins. This species was also placed in the genus Catestiasula by Giglio-Tos (1915).
  • gen. n. Hestiasula aff., sp. n.Distribution. Sarawak: Lanjak Entimau (1 m, CSUB).Remarks. undescribed genus and species related to Hestiasula.
  • Odontomantis planiceps (De Haan, 1842) Distribution. Sumatra, Mentawai Islands (Sipora), Java, Borneo, Palawan (Hebard 1920, Giglio-Tos 1927, Ehrmann 2002). Bornean records. Sarawak: Kuching (SMSM), Mt. Matang (SMSM), Klingkang (SMSM), Mt. Santubong (SMSM); Sabah: Sandakan (Hebard 1920), Labuan Island (Hebard 1920), Sorinsim (AFUW); Kalimantan: Long Petak (Werner 1933).
  • Odontomantis micantula Beier, 1956 Distribution. Sunda Islands, Mentawai Islands (Beier 1956).Bornean records. Sarawak: Marudi (SMNK), Mt. Dulit (Beier 1937), Mt. Tibang (Werner 1930); Sabah: Crocker Range (AFUW), Mesilau (AFUW). Remarks. According to Beier (1956), this species was confused by previous authors with the Ceylonese O. micans (Saussure, 1871); he proposed the name O. micantula for the Sunda species but without type designation. Taxonomic rearrangement not considered by Ehrmann (2002) and Otte & Spearman (2005).
  • Odontomantis rhyssa Werner, 1930Distribution. Sarawak: Mt. Dulit (Beier 1937)
  • Anaxarcha limbata Giglio-Tos, 1915 Distribution. Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Borneo (Giglio-Tos 1915a, Werner 1930, Beier 1931a, 1937, Ehrmann 2002).Bornean records. Sarawak: Mt. Dulit (Werner 1930; Beier 1937); Kalimantan: Petak (Werner 1933).
  • Ambivia undata (Fabricius, 1793) Distribution. E India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Myanmar, Vietnam, Thailand, Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Borneo (Werner 1922, Giglio-Tos 1927, Beier 1956, Lombardo 1993, Ehrmann 2002).Bornean records. Sarawak: Mt. Matang (Giglio-Tos 1915a); Kalimantan: Sambas (Werner 1922).
  • Citharomantis falcata Rehn, 1909 Distribution. Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, N Borneo (Giglio-Tos 1915a, Werner 1922, Helmkampf et al. 2007, Bragg 2008).Bornean records. Sarawak: Mt. Mulu (Bragg 2008); Sabah: Danum Valley (Helmkampf et al. 2007), Ulu Dusun (Bragg 2008), Labuk River (Bragg 2008), Sorinsim (AFUW), Crocker Range (AFUW)
  • Heliomantis latipennis Werner, 1930 Distribution. NE Sarawak: Mt. Murud (Werner 1930).
  • Psychomantis borneensis (De Haan, 1842) Distribution. Borneo, Sumatra (Werner 1922, Ehrmann 2002; AFUW, SMNK).Bornean records. Sarawak: Lanjak Entimau (2 m, 1 f, CSUB/SFDC), Mt. Dulit (Beier 1937), Mt. Mulu (CS in situ); Brunei: Kuala Belalong (OK in situ); Sabah: Malinau (Giglio-Tos 1915a), Poring Hot Springs (Helmkampf et al. 2007; SMNK), Sorinsim (AFUW), Danum Valley (CSUB), Maliau Basin (OK in situ); Kalimantan: Sakoembang (De Haan, 1842), Boentok (Giglio-Tos, 1915a), Moan (Beier 1958), Sambas (Werner 1922), Waisi (Beier 1958).
  • Rhomantis moultoni Giglio-Tos, 1915 Distribution. Sunda Islands (Giglio-Tos 1915a, Werner 1933, Beier 1934, Ehrmann 2002, Helmkampf et al. 2007).Bornean records. Sarawak: Kuching (Giglio-Tos 1915a), Lanjak Entimau (1 m, CSUB); Sabah: Danum Valley (Helmkampf et al. 2007).Remarks. The distributional record cited as “Sunda Islands” traces back to Beier (1934); however, no specimens outside Borneo are known. This genus might be endemic to the island.
  • Majangella moultoni Giglio-Tos, 1915: 94-95Distribution. Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Borneo (Werner 1933, Ehrmann 2002, Svenson & Whiting 2009, Bragg 2010).Bornean records. Sarawak: Sadong (Giglio-Tos 1915b), Lanjak Entimau (3 m, CSUB/SFDC); Sabah: Crocker Range (Bragg 2010), Mt. Kinabalu (Bragg 2010), Danum Valley (Bragg 2010); Kalimantan: Long Petak (Werner 1933).
  • Pachymantis piceifemur Roy, 2013 Distribution. NW Borneo: Sarawak: Kuching (Roy 2013), Mt. Mulu (Roy 2013).
  • Pachymantis maculicoxa Roy, 2013 Distribution. NE Borneo: Sarawak: Mt. Mulu (Roy 2013); Sabah: Labuk River (Roy 2013), Poring Hot Springs (Roy 2013), Danum Valley (CSUB).
  • Ceratomantis gigliotosi Roy, in: Roy & Svenson 2007Distribution. W Sarawak: Kuching (Giglio-Tos 1927, Roy & Svenson 2007).
  • Ceratomantis kimberlae Svenson, in: Roy & Svenson 2007 Distribution. N Borneo: Sarawak: Lanjak Entimau (2 m, CSUB/SFDC), Lambir Hills (Roy & Svenson 2007); Brunei: Kuala Belalong (OK in situ); Sabah: Tawau Hills (Roy & Svenson 2007; AFUW), Poring Hot Springs (AFUW).Remarks. Of the two recently described Bornean species, this is the more common one; it prefers old-growth forest.
  • Phyllothelys sp. Distribution. Borneo: Sabah: Poring Hot Springs (Helmkampf et al. 2007); Kalimantan: Paku (Giglio-Tos 1915a).Remarks. Giglio-Tos (1915a) assigned two males from Borneo and Java to a female he described on that occasion as Phyllothelys decipiens Giglio-Tos, 1915, but Ehrmann & Roy (2009) suggest that the males and the female are not conspecific. The only other Bornean specimen known in the literature is the unidentified male mentioned in Helmkampf et al. (2007), leaving the sole species known so far from the island without specific epithet.
  • Ceratocrania macra Westwood, 1889 Distribution. Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Java, Borneo (Wood-Mason 1889a, Giglio-Tos 1927, Werner 1933, Ehrmann 2002, Ehrmann & Roy 2009).Bornean records. Sarawak: Lanjak Entimau (5 m, CSUB/SFDC), Mt. Dulit (Beier 1937); Brunei: Kuala Belalong (OK in situ); Sabah: Poring Hot Springs (Helmkampf et al. 2007); Kalimantan: Sambas (Werner 1922), Boven Mahakkam (Werner 1922).Remarks. Widely distributed, but not very abundant. Males are readily attracted by lights. This species has also been recorded from Mt. Serapi (Windisch, pers. comm.)
  • Hymenopus coronatus (Olivier, 1792) Distribution: NE India, S China, Vietnam, Thailand, Sumatra, Nias, Java, Borneo, Ambon, Flores (Hebard 1920, Werner 1921, 1933, Beier 1942, Delfosse et al. 2007).Bornean records. Sarawak: Kuching (SMSM), Mt. Santubong (SMSM), Limbang (SMSM), Bintulu (SMSM), Trusan (SMSM), Kapah River (Beier 1937), Mt. Mulu (CS in situ); Sabah: Tawau Hills (Delfosse et al. 2007), Poring Hot Springs (Delfosse et al. 2007).
  • Creobroter urbanus (Fabricius, 1775) Distribution. India, Myanmar, N Vietnam, S China, Sumatra, N Borneo, E Java, N Philippines (Giglio-Tos 1927, Ehrmann 2002).Bornean records. Sarawak: Kuching (SMSM), Limbang (SMSM).
  • Creobroter granulicollis Saussure, 1870 Distribution. NE Sumatra, W Java, Borneo (Hebard 1920, Giglio-Tos 1927, Ehrmann 2002).Bornean records. Brunei: Kuala Belalong (OK in situ); Sabah: Maliau Basin (OK in situ), Danum Valley (Helmkampf et al. 2007; CSUB), Poring Hot Springs (Helmkampf et al. 2007).Remarks. Lack of females leaves the identification with some uncertainty.
  • Creobroter episcopalis Stål, 1877Creoboter episcopalis Stål, 1877Distribution. Borneo (Stål, 1877, Giglio-Tos 1927).Sarawak: Baram River (Brunner von Wattenwyl 1898); Sabah: Labuan Island (Hebard 1920
  • Creobroter labuanae Hebard, 1920 Distribution. N Borneo: Sabah: Labuan (Hebard 1920), Mt. Kinabalu (Beier 1942).
  • Parymenopus davisoni Wood-Mason, 1890§Distribution. Thailand, Malay Peninsula, Sunda Islands (Giglio-Tos 1927, Ehrmann 2002, Roy 2007).
  • Theopropus borneensis Beier, 1942Distribution. Borneo: Sarawak: Kuching (SMSM), Borneo Heights (CS in situ); Sabah: Sorinsim (AFUW), Poring Hot Springs (AFUW), Sandakan (Hebard 1920), Mt. Kinabalu (Beier 1942), Labuan Island (Hebard 1920); Kalimantan: Balikpapan (SMNK).
  • Hapalopeza (Hapalopeza) tigrina Westwood, 1889 Distribution. Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Borneo, Labuan, Palawan (Hebard 1920, Werner 1926, Beier 1966, Ehrmann 2002).Bornean records. Sarawak: Kuching (Werner 1926; SMSM), Mt. Matang (Werner 1926; SMSM), Mt. Mulu (CS in situ), Mt. Murud (Werner 1930), Mt. Dulit (Beier 1937, as H. nitens); Sabah: Poring Hot Springs (Helmkampf et al. 2007; SMNK, AFUW), Pulau Gaya (AFUW), Crocker Range (AFUW), Sorinsim (AFUW), Sandakan (Hebard 1920), Labuan Island (Hebard 1920), AFUW); Kalimantan: Long Petak (Werner 1933), Main (Beier 1958, as H. nitens), Tabang (Beier 1958, as H. nitens).
  • Sceptuchus simplex Hebard, 1920 Distribution. Malay Peninsula, Borneo (Hebard 1920, Ehrmann 2002, Svenson 2007).Bornean record. N Sabah (AFUW)
  • Epsomantis tortricoides (De Haan, 1842) Distribution. Java, Borneo (De Haan 1842, Beier 1931a).Bornean records. Sabah: Sandakan (Hebard 1920), Bettotan (Beier 1931a), N Sabah (AFUW).
  • Tropidomantis (Tropidomantis) tenera (Stål, 1860) Distribution. Thailand, Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Java, Flores, Sumba, Sulawesi, Borneo, S Philippines (Hebard 1920, Giglio-Tos 1927, Werner 1933, Beier 1966, Ehrmann 2002; ZMB). Bornean records. Sarawak: Kuching (SMSM), Mt. Matang (SMSM), Mt. Santubong (SMSM), Lanjak Entimau (3 f, CSUB/SFDC), Mt. Dulit (Beier 1937); Brunei: Kuala Belalong (OK in situ); Sabah: Poring Hot Springs (Helmkampf et al. 2007; SMNK), Danum Valley (Helmkampf et al. 2007), Kalabakan (OK in situ), Sorinsim (AFUW), Crocker Range (AFUW); Kalimantan: Long Navang (Beier 1930), Mentawir (Beier 1958), Moan (Beier 1958), Wain (Beier 1958), Maretoea Island (Werner 1930).
  • Miromantis mirandula (Westwood, 1889) Distribution. Malay Peninsula, Sunda Islands (Giglio-Tos 1927, Beier 1937, 1958, Ehrmann 2002).Bornean records. Sarawak: Borneo Heights (CS in situ), Lanjak Entimau (1 m, CSUB), Mt. Dulit (Beier 1937); Sabah: N Sabah (AFUW); Kalimantan: Mentawir (Beier 1958), Moan (Beier 1958), Wain (Beier 1958).
  • Pliacanthopus mantispoides (Hebard, 1920) Distribution. E Borneo: Sabah: Sandakan (Hebard 1920); Kalimantan: Mentawir (Beier 1958).
  • Pliacanthopus (Oligocanthopus) ornatus (Beier, 1935) Distribution. Borneo: Lebang Hara (Beier 1931b); Sabah: Danum Valley (CSUB).
  • Pliacanthopus (Malayamantis) flavus (Giglio-Tos, 1915) Distribution. Singapore (?), Borneo (Giglio-Tos 1915b, Hebard 1920, Ehrmann 2002; AFUW).Bornean records. Sarawak: Mt. Dulit (Beier 1937); Sabah: N Sabah (AFUW), Poring Hot Springs (SMNK), Danum Valley (Helmkampf et al. 2007); Kalimantan: Lebang Hara (Beier 1931a), Bidang Menabai (Beier 1931a).
  • Euchomenella heteroptera (De Haan, 1842) Distribution. Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, S Java, Borneo, N Sulawesi, Philippines (Giglio-Tos 1927, Roy 2001, Ehrmann 2002).Bornean records. Sarawak: Lanjak Entimau (2 m, CSUB); Sabah: Tawau Hills (AFUW), Pulau Gaya (AFUW), Poring Hot Springs (Roy 2001, Helmkampf et al. 2007; SMNK), Maliau Basin (OK in situ), Tamparuli (CSUB); Kalimantan: Nanga Badau (Roy 2001).

Remarks. The most frequently encountered species of the genus in Borneo, common in all types of forest and old-growth thickets. Specimens recorded before 2001 need to be re-examined.

  • Euchomenella matilei Roy, 2001 Distribution. N Borneo: Brunei: Kuala Belalong (OK in situ); Sabah: Tavan (Roy 2001), Poring Hot Springs (Helmkampf et al. 2007; SMNK), Danum Valley (Helmkampf et al. 2007), Mt. Trus Madi (Shcherbakov 2012).Remarks. Hardly distinguishable from E. heteroptera.
  • Euchomenella udovichenkoi Shcherbakov, 2012 Distribution. N Borneo: Sabah: Mt. Trus Madi (Shcherbakov 2012).
  • Gonypeta punctata punctata (De Haan, 1842) Distribution. Malay Peninsula, N Sumatra, Java, N Borneo (Werner 1923, 1924, 1930, 1933, Kaltenbach 1994).
  • Gonypeta borneana Giglio-Tos, 1915 Distribution. Java, Sumatra, Borneo (Giglio-Tos 1915c, Werner 1922, 1933, Beier 1931a, Kaltenbach 1994).Bornean records. Sarawak: Mt. Dulit (Beier 1937); Sabah: Mt. Kinabalu (Beier 1931b; ZMB, ZMUH), Labuan Island (Hebard 1920).
  • Compsomantis crassiceps (De Haan, 1842) Distribution. Java, Sumatra, Borneo (Werner 1922, 1924, 1933, Giglio-Tos 1927, Ehrmann 2002).Bornean records. Kalimantan: Sinkawang (ZMB), Long Petak (Werner 1933).
  • Compsomantis semirufula (Westwood, 1889) Distribution. Malay Peninsula, Sunda Islands, Sumba (Giglio-Tos 1927, Werner 1933, Ehrmann 2002).Bornean records. Sabah: Sorinsim (AFUW); Crocker Range (AFUW), Sandakan (Hebard 1920).
  • Compsomantis robusta Werner, 1923 Distribution. N Borneo (Werner 1923).
  • Myrcinus tuberosus Stål, 1877 Distribution. Malay Pensinsula, Borneo (Stål, 1877, Werner 1923, 1930, 1933, Giglio-Tos 1927, Ehrmann 2002; ZMB).Bornean records. Brunei: Kuala Belalong (OK in situ); Kalimantan: Tabang (Beier 1958).
  • Bimantis malaccana (Rehn, 1903) Distribution. Thailand, Java, Borneo (Rehn 1903, Ehrmann 2002, Svenson 2007).
  • Amantis reticulata (De Haan, 1842) Distribution. Myanmar, Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Java, Borneo, Palawan (Hebard 1920, Giglio-Tos 1927, Werner 1930, 1933, Beier 1958, 1966). Bornean records. Sarawak: Borneo Heights (CS in situ), Batang Ai (SMNK), Mt. Dulit (Beier 1937), Mt. Mulu (CS in situ); Brunei: Kuala Belalong (OK in situ); Sabah: Kalabakan (OK in situ), Labuan Island (Hebard 1920); Kalimantan: Mentawir (Beier 1959), Moeara Antjaloeng (Werner 1933).
  • Amantis tristis Werner, 1933 Distribution. Talaud Islands, Sangiri Islands, SE Borneo (Werner 1933).Bornean records. Kalimantan: Moeara Antjaloeng (Werner 1933).
  • Gimantis insularis Beier, 1937 Distribution. Sarawak: Mt. Dulit (Beier 1937); Sabah: Danum Valley (Helmkampf et al. 2007).
  • Hierodula venosa (Olivier, 1792) Distribution. India, Myanmar, Sumatra, Nias, Java, Borneo, Labuan, Sulawesi, S Philippines (Giglio-Tos, 1912, 1927, Hebard 1920, Werner 1921, 1933, Beier 1958, Ehrmann 2002).Bornean records. Sarawak: Kuching (CS in situ), Lanjak Entimau (1 m, CSUB); Sabah: Crocker Range (AFUW), N Sabah (AFUW), Pulau Gaya (AFUW), Kalabakan (OK in situ), Poring Hot Springs (SMNK), Sandakan (Hebard 1920), Labuan Island (Hebard 1920); Kalimantan: Samarinda (Werner 1931b).
  • Hierodula gracilicollis Stål, 1877 Distribution. Thailand (?), Borneo, Labuan (Hebard 1920, Giglio-Tos 1927, Ehrmann 2002). Bornean records. Sarawak: Mt. Dulit (Beier 1937); Sabah: Mt. Kinabalu (Brunner von Wattenwyl 1898; OK in situ), Maliau Basin (OK in situ), Poring Hot Springs (SMNK), Labuan Island (Hebard 1920)
  • Hierodula dyaka Westwood, 1889 Distribution. NE India, Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Java, Borneo (Westwood 1889, Werner 1933, Beier 1958, Ehrmann 2002).Bornean records. Sarawak: Lanjak Entimau: (1 m, SFDC), Mt. Dulit (Beier 1937); Brunei: Kuala Belalong (OK in situ); Sabah: Poring Hot Springs (Helmkampf et al. 2007; SMNK), Danum Valley (Helmkampf et al. 2007), N Sabah (AFUW), Sorinsim (AFUW).
  • Hierodula modesta modesta Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1898 Distribution. Borneo, Sulawesi (Brunner von Wattenwyl 1898, Giglio-Tos 1927, Ehrmann 2002).Bornean records. Sarawak: Baram River (Brunner von Wattenwyl 1898).
  • Hierodula everetti Kirby, 1904 Distribution. N Borneo, Flores (?) (Brunner von Wattenwyl 1898, Kirby 1904, Giglio-Tos 1912).Bornean record. Sabah: Mt. Kinabalu (Brunner von Wattenwyl 1898).
  • Hierodula heteroptera (Werner, 1906) Distribution. Malay Peninsula, Sunda Islands, Kei Islands (Werner 1911, 1916, 1933, Giglio-Tos 1912, Ehrmann 2002).Bornean records. Kalimantan: Balikpapan (Werner 1921), Long Navang (Werner 1930), Long Peleben (ZMB).
  • Hierodula dubia (Giglio-Tos, 1912) Distribution. S Kalimantan (Giglio-Tos 1912, 1927).
  • Hierodula cuchingina Giglio-Tos, 1917 Distribution. Borneo: Sarawak: Kuching (Giglio-Tos 1917); Sabah: Sorinsim (AFUW).
  • Hierodula quadripunctata Werner, 1930 Distribution. Borneo: Sarawak: Mt. Dulit (Werner 1930).
  • Hierodula borneana Werner, 1933 Distribution. Borneo (Werner 1933).Brunei: Kuala Belalong (OK in situ); Sabah: Sorinsim (AFUW); Kalimantan: Long Petak (Werner 1933).
  • Hierodula dolichoptera Werner, 1933Distribution. E Borneo: Kalimantan: Long Petak (Werner 1933).
  • Hierodula microdon Werner, 1933Distribution. Borneo (Werner 1933).
  • Rhombodera laticollis Burmeister, 1838 Distribution. Myanmar (?), Malay Peninsula, Java, Borneo (Giglio-Tos 1912, Werner 1921, Ehrmann 2002).Bornean records. Sabah: N Sabah (AFUW), Lahat Datu (Giglio-Tos 1912); Kalimantan: Balikpapan (Werner 1921).
  • Rhombodera valida Burmeister, 1838 Distribution. N India, China, S Japan, Myanmar, Malay Peninsula, Java, N Borneo, Ambon, Timor, Maluku Islands (Giglio-Tos 1912, 1927, Werner 1933, Ehrmann 2002).Bornean records. Sarawak: Baram River (Brunner von Wattenwyl 1898); Brunei: Kuala Belalong (OK in situ); Sabah: N Sabah (AFUW), Danum Valley (Helmkampf et al. 2007), Labuan Island (Hebard 1920); Kalimantan: Balikpapan (Werner 1921).
  • Tenodera fasciata (Olivier, 1792) Distribution. Myanmar, Thailand, Malay Peninsula, Java, Borneo, Sulawesi, Philippines, Talaud Islands, Flores, Sumba, Maluku Islands (Giglio-Tos 1912, 1927, Werner 1923, 1933, Ehrmann 2002).Bornean record. Kalimantan: Wain (Beier 1958).
  • Tenodera aridifolia (Stoll, 1813) Distribution. India, Taiwan, S China, Myanmar, Thailand, Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Java, Borneo, Labuan, Sulawesi, Philippines, Lombok, Flores, Sumba (Giglio-Tos 1912, 1927, Ehrmann 2002).Bornean records. Sarawak: Bandar Sri Aman (CS in situ), Mt. Dulit (Beier 1937); Sabah: Mt. Benom (SMNK), Labuan Island (Hebard 1920).
  • Tenodera blanchardi Giglio-Tos, 1912 Distribution. India (?), Borneo, Sulawesi, Maluku Islands, Bismarck Archipelago, New Guinea, N Australia (Giglio-Tos 1912, Beier 1958, 1965, Ehrmann 2002, Jensen et al. 2009).Bornean records. Kalimantan: Long Navang (Werner 1930)
  • Statilia maculata maculata (Thunberg, 1784) Distribution. India (Annam), Sri Lanka, Nepal, China, Japan, Myanmar, Thailand, Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Java, Borneo, Labuan, Palawan, Maluku Islands, New Guinea (?) (Giglio-Tos 1912, 1927, Hebard 1920, Ehrmann 2002). Bornean records. Sarawak: Mt. Santubong (SMNK), Batang Ai (SMNK), Mt. Dulit (Beier 1937); Sabah: Labuan Island (Hebard 1920), Sandakan (Hebard 1920), Poring Hot Springs (SMNK), Maliau Basin (OK in situ), Kalabakan (OK in situ); Kalimantan: Mentawir (Beier 1958), Tabang (Beier 1958), Bengen River (Beier 1958), Marah (Werner 1933).
  • Statilia nemoralis (Saussure, 1870) Distribution. E India, S China, Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Myanmar, Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Java, Borneo, Philippines (Giglio-Tos 1912, 1927, Ehrmann 2002).Bornean records. Sarawak: Kuching (Giglio-Tos 1912), Mt. Matang (Giglio-Tos 1912); Sabah: Mt. Kinabalu (SMNK)
  • Hierodulella reticulata (Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1898) Distribution. Lombok, Sumbawa, Borneo (Brunner von Wattenwyl 1892, Ehrmann 2002, Svenson & Whiting 2009).
  • Hierodulella celebensis Beier, 1935 Distribution. Borneo, Sulawesi (Beier 1935c, Ehrmann 2002, Svenson & Whiting 2009).
  • Camelomantis giraffa (Giglio-Tos, 1912) Distribution. Borneo (Giglio-Tos 1917, 1927).Bornean records. Sarawak: Kuching (Giglio-Tos 1912).
  • Camelomantis moultoni Giglio-Tos, 1917 Distribution. Sarawak (Giglio-Tos 1917, 1927, Ehrmann 2002).Bornean records. Sarawak: Kuching (Giglio-Tos 1917), Mt. Mulu (CS in situ).
  • Camelomantis penangica Giglio-Tos, 1917 Distribution. Malay Peninsula, Pulau Pinang, Borneo (Giglio-Tos 1917, 1927, Ehrmann 2002).Bornean records. Sarawak: Mt. Mulu (CS in situ).
  • Mythomantis serrata Schwarz & Helmkampf, 2014 Distribution. N Borneo: Sarawak: Mt. Mulu (Schwarz & Helmkampf 2014); Sabah: Danum Valley (Helmkampf et al. 2007, Schwarz & Helmkampf 2014).
  • Deroplatys lobata (Guérin-Méneville, 1838) Distribution. Myanmar, Thailand, Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Java, Borneo, Palawan (Rehn 1903, Werner 1923, 1924, 1925, 1927a, 1927b, 1933, Giglio-Tos 1927, Ehrmann 2002, Delfosse 2009; ZMB).Bornean records. Sarawak: Mt. Serapi (CS in situ), Mt. Baw (SMSM), Lanjak Entimau (1 m, SFDC), Mt. Mulu (CS in situ), Mt. Batu Lawi (SMSM); Brunei: Kuala Belalong (OK in situ); Sabah: Crocker Range (Delfosse 2009), Tawau (Delfosse 2009); Kalimantan: Paku (SMSM), Balikpapan (Werner 1921), Mentawir (Beier 1958), Moan (Beier 1958), Nanga Badau (Delfosse 2009), Malinau (SMSM), Akar Bagantung Ulu (SMSM).
  • Deroplatys desiccata Westwood, 1839 Distribution. Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Mentawai Islands, Java, Borneo (Rehn 1903, Werner 1921, 1922, 1923, 1924, 1925, 1927a, 1927b, 1933, Giglio-Tos 1927, Ehrmann 2002, Delfosse 2009). Bornean records. Sarawak: S Simunjan (CS in situ), Mt. Dulit (Werner 1930); Brunei: Kuala Belalong (OK in situ), Sabah: Ulu Senagang (AFUW), Poring Hot Springs (Helmkampf et al. 2007, Delfosse 2009), Kalabakan (OK in situ), Maliau Basin (OK in situ), Sandakan (Hebard 1920), Labuan Island (Hebard 1920), Darvel Bay (ZMB); Kalimantan: Sampit (Beier 1958), Long Peleben (ZMB), Banjarmasin (SMNK), Mt. Baharu (Delfosse 2009).
  • Deroplatys truncata (Guérin-Méneville, 1843)Choeradodis truncata Guérin-Méneville, 1843= Deroplatys siccifolium Saussure, 1870: 240= Deroplatys shelfordi Kirby, 1903: 304 (syn. nov.)Distribution. Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Java, Borneo (Werner 1921, 1923, 1933, Giglio-Tos 1927, Ehrmann 2002).Bornean records. Sarawak: Kuching (SMSM, CS in situ), Mt. Santubong (CS in situ), Mt. Matang (SMSM), Baram River (Brunner von Wattenwyl 1898), Batang Ai (SMNK), Lanjak Entimau (1 m, CSUB), Mt. Dulit (Beier 1937; SMSM); Sabah: Crocker Range (Delfosse 2009), Poring Hot Springs (Helmkampf et al. 2007, Delfosse 2009), Tawau (Delfosse 2009), Danum Valley (Helmkampf et al. 2007), Sandakan (Hebard 1920), Darvel Bay (ZMB); Kalimantan: Wain (Beier 1958), Balikpapan (Werner 1923), Long Peleben (ZMB), Banjarmasin (SMNK).
  • Deroplatys sarawaca Westwood, 1889 Distribution. Sarawak (Westwood 1889; OUMNH).Remarks. This is a rare species known only from the holotype and without exact locality. One female nymph deposited in the ZMB was identified by Giglio-Tos as D. sarawaca, but it actually belongs to D. trigonodera.
  • Deroplatys trigonodera Westwood, 1889 Distribution. Myanmar, Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Borneo (Westwood 1889, Werner 1927b, 1933, Ehrmann 2002, Delfosse 2009).Bornean records. Sarawak: Mt. Santubong (CS in situ), Mt. Serapi (CS in situ), Mt. Mulu (CS in situ), Sabah: Tawau Hills (AFUW), Danum Valley (CSUB), Kalabakan (OK in situ); Kalimantan: Singkawang (ZMB)
  • Deroplatys moultoni Giglio-Tos, 1917Distribution. Borneo: Sarawak: Kuching (Giglio-Tos 1917), Mt. Dulit (Beier 1937); Kalimantan: Wahnes (Giglio-Tos 1917)
  • Toxodera maculata Ouwens, 1913 istribution. S China, Laos, Thailand, Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Java, Borneo (Roy 2009b).
  • Toxodera fimbriata Werner, 1930 Distribution. Myanmar, Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Borneo (Roy 2009b). Bornean records. Sabah: Kinabalu (Beier 1931).
  • Toxodera maxima Roy, 2009 Distribution. Malay Peninsula, Borneo (Roy 2009b). Bornean records. Sabah: Danum Valley (CSUB, living specimen depicted in Roy 2009b, page 105) Remarks. Females up to 168 mm long. This species was previously confused with Toxodera denticulata Audinet-Serville, 1837. A damaged specimen found in the SMSM collection deposited under this name may belong to T. maxima. Definite records of T. denticulata from Borneo are lacking.
  • Toxodera hauseri Roy, 2009 Distribution. Thailand, Malay Peninsula, Java, Borneo (Roy 2009b).Remarks. Roy (2009b) does not mention any Bornean specimen, but there is a photographic record of this species from Poring Hot Springs (Anker, pers. com.).
  • Protoxodera monstrosa Werner, 1930 Distribution. Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Nias, N Borneo (Werner 1930, Beier 1976, Roy 2009b).Bornean records. Sabah: Sugut (Deeleman-Reinhold 1957).
  • Paratoxodera cornicollis Wood-Mason, 1889 Distribution. Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Java, Borneo (Roy 2009b).Bornean records. Sarawak: Lanjak Entimau (1 m, CSUB); Brunei (Beier 1931a).Remarks. Bornean P. cornicollis specimens usually lack the second metazonal lobe, which prompted Beier (1931a) to establish a new subspecies (P. cornicollis borneana). Listed as valid species in Ehrmann (2002), but shown to be only a variety by Roy (2009b).
  • Paratoxodera meggitti Uvarov, 1927 Distribution. S China, Myanmar, Malay Peninsula, Borneo (Uvarov 1927, Roy 2009b).Bornean records. Sabah: Crocker Range (Roy 2009b).
  • Paratoxodera polyacantha Roy, 2009 Distribution. Sabah: Labuk River (Roy 2009b).
  • Paratoxodera marshallae Roy, 2009 Distribution. Sumatra, N Borneo (Roy 2009b).Bornean records. Sabah: Tawau Hills (Roy 2009b).
  • Stenotoxodera pluto (Rehn, 1909) Distribution. Malay Peninsula, Subang Island, Sumatra, Borneo (Roy 2009b).
  • Stenotoxodera porioni Roy, 2009 Distribution. Malay Peninsula, Java, Borneo (Roy 2009b). Bornean records. Sabah: Crocker Range (2009b).


Західна Малайзія
  • Metallyticus splendidus Westwood, 1835
  • Metallyticus violaceus (Burmeister, 1838)
  • Amorphoscelis borneana Giglio-Tos, 1913
  • Amorphoscelis singaporana Giglio-Tos, 1915
  • Haania confusa Saussure, 1871
  • Humbertiella ocularis Saussure, 1872
  • Theopompa tosta Stål, 1877
  • Theopompa borneana Giglio-Tos, 1917
  • Caliris elegans Giglio-Tos, 1915
  • Stenotoxodera porioni Roy, 2009
  • Metallyticus splendidus Westwood, 1835
  • Metallyticus violaceus (Burmeister, 1838)
  • Metallyticus semiaeneus Westwood, 1889
  • Amorphoscelis reticulata Werner, 1933
  • Haania confusa Saussure, 1871
  • Humbertiella ocularis Saussure, 1872
  • Theopompa tosta Stål, 1877
  • Theopompa borneana Giglio-Tos, 1917
  • Caliris elegans Giglio-Tos, 1915
  • Metallyticus splendidus Westwood, 1835
  • Metallyticus violaceus (Burmeister, 1838)
  • Amorphoscelis borneana Giglio-Tos, 1913
  • Amorphoscelis singaporana Giglio-Tos, 1915
  • Amorphoscelis siebersi Werner, 1933
  • Amorphoscelis subnigra Werner, 1933
  • Amorphoscelis rufula Roy, 1967
  • Amorphoscelis bimaculata Roy, 2011
  • Amorphoscelis huismani Roy, 2011
  • Amorphoscelis reticulata Werner, 1933
  • Haania borneana Beier, 1952
  • Humbertiella ocularis Saussure, 1872
  • Theopompa tosta Stål, 1877
  • Theopompa borneana Giglio-Tos, 1917
  • Caliris elegans Giglio-Tos, 1915
  • Gildella suavis (Giglio-Tos, 1915)
  • Stenotoxodera porioni Roy, 2009


  • Metallyticus splendidus Westwood, 1835
  • Metallyticus violaceus (Burmeister, 1838)
  • Amorphoscelis borneana Giglio-Tos, 1913
  • Amorphoscelis singaporana Giglio-Tos, 1915
  • Amorphoscelis reticulata Werner, 1933
  • Haania confusa Saussure, 1871
  • Humbertiella ocularis Saussure, 1872
  • Theopompa tosta Stål, 1877
  • Theopompa borneana Giglio-Tos, 1917
  • Caliris elegans Giglio-Tos, 1915

Нова Зеландія


2 види.[23]


  • Acromantis palauensis Beier, 1972
  • Orthodera burmeisteri Wood-Mason, 1889
  • Hierodula patellifera (Audinet-Serville, 1838)
  • Polyspilota aeruginosa (Goeze, 1778)
  • Statilia pallida Werner, 1922
  • Tenodera angustipennis Saussure, 1869
  • Tenodera australasiae (Leach, 1814)
  • Tenodera sinensis Saussure, 1871
  • Sibylla pretiosa Stal, 1856







Джерело [26]



Джерело [27]


  • Комахи англ. Nanling National Nature Reserve[28]
    • 1 中华原螳 Anaxarcha sinensis Beier
    • 2 日本姬螳 Acromantis japonica Westwood
    • 3 大巨腿螳(巨腿花螳)Hestiasula major Beier
    • 4 丽眼斑螳 Creobroter gemmata (Stoll)
    • 5 眼斑螳 Creobroter sp .
    • (2)螳科 Mantidae
    • 6 毛螳 Spilomantis occipitalis (Westwood)
    • 7 棕污斑螳 Statilia maculata (Thunb.)
    • 8 中华大刀螳 Tenodera sinensis Saussure
    • 9 勇斧螳 Hierodula membrancea (Burm.)


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