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Stryzhavka — a village in the Ukraine in Stavysche district of Kyiv region . The population is 560 people.

The village is located on the left bank of a small river end face of — tributary. Ros.


   1 History
   2 Sources and Literature
   3 Notes
   4 References 


Evidence of the existence of primitive people, which was on the western edge of the village, on the bordering village of milk (Tetiiv District) is vyorani stone axes. The nature of a stone, bone drilled holes for the poles to the carefully polished surface can safely say that it was a parking Neolithic or New Stone Age. According to archaeological chronology is 40-30 thousand years BC Stryzhavka first mentioned in historical literature in the thirteenth century .. During the Mongol-Tatar invasions the village was burned and destroyed, but later revived. According to legend the village name is derived from the names of the brothers Stryzhak, in another version — the Cossack named Strizh who settled on the current Levada on the southern outskirts of the village in the early seventeenth century. Beam protected from winds, covered with woods, and in those days the dense forest was a good place to stay, hidden from lyudoloviv house, which was filled region in those days.

We can also say with certainty that the villagers participated in the liberation war 1648-1654r.r. and in the uprising «Koliivshina»; on which is written confirmation. Now local people in the cultivation of farmlands finds Cossack pipes and other things in those years [1] .

Description of the nineteenth century village Pohylevych meet in the "Village at Recka Torch, v 6 verstahъ Pyatyhor here and in 3 villages from Torchytsы; surrounded by loess and razbrosana horamъ, pokrыtыm gardens and outfitting. Prynadlezhyt la ymeniyam g Lypkovskaho (cm. Pyatyhorы). Residents floor oboeho 1060; 2492 desyatynы earth. Zavodы: kyrpychnыy, vynokurennыy and saharnыy. V century passed Strыzhavka, Much else not in lesah Village, prynadlezhala la Tetievschyne. Ot Count Ostrovskaho ÎÍÀ entered a la John Zakrevskomu sыnu ego and Yuri, sweat sisters sake, for men of Leduhovskoy, kotoraja v 1846 godu sold Strыzhavku Henryk Osipovich Lypkovskomu; but 888 acres priobretenы peasants, in vыkupnomu contract for 42.357 rubles. Cerkov Myhaylovskaya, derevyanaya, 5th class; earth emeet 42 desyatynы camping village. Unknown postroena cam. La Stryzhavskomu coming glorified v nedavnee TIME Village Plyutentsы, when actually lezhaschaya Selo Torchytse and ymeyuschaya 220 dush zheteley oboeho floor and 400 acres of land. Prynadlezhyt Vladislav Diatelovychu. [2] ".

08/06/1918 village began to concentrate Stryzhavka small guerrilla groups, which came armed group of peasants from the villages Yanyshivka, Logvyn, Parhomivka, Zhashkiv, Acute Tomb, Pyatigorye, plane, etc. to participate in the uprising against the Hetman government and the German occupiers [3 ] .

When the Soviets village center of the village, located on the left bank of the Torch, 18 km from the district center, 28 km from the railway station Zhashkiv, 10 km of highway Kyiv-Odessa. The population — 920 people. Village councils subordinate the village Merry, Grigoryevskaya Sloboda, Dry Ravine, Red. In Stryzhavka contained farm «Path to Communism» Land Fund which 1,783 hectares, t. H. Arable land — 1457 ha. The direction of the economy — grain and livestock, horticulture and developed bashtanytstvo. Chairman farm OE Horobtsyanahorodzheno Order of the October Revolution. In Stryzhavka is an eight-year school, club, library. For courage and valor found in the Great Patriotic War, 85 villagers were awarded orders and medals. On the outskirts of the village acted in a partisan unit under the command Barashkova [4] . Sources and References

1. (Ukr.) L. Pohylevych, Legend of the Kiev province populated areas, — K., 1864, p. 450

2. (Ukr.) VM Kulakovska, history of towns and villages in the USSR. Kiev region — K., 1971, p. 618

3. (Ukr.) Alexander Bondarenko, Bondarenko Ivan. Back from oblivion. — Kyiv: Ukrainian Priority, 2012 Notes

Bondarenko Alexander Bondarenko Ivan. Back from oblivion. — Kyiv: Ukrainian Priority, 2012 L. Pohylevych, Legend of the Kiev province populated areas, — K., 1864, p. 450 Bondarenko Alexander Bondarenko Ivan. Back from oblivion. — Kyiv: Ukrainian Priority, 2012

   V. Kulakovska, history of towns and villages in the USSR. Kiev region - K., 1971, p. 618 


   Topohrafycheskaya map of the Kiev region 1: 100 000 (in Russian).
   Strzyżawka 2). rzeką Torczą nad wieś // Słownik geograficzny Królestwa Polskiego i innych krajów słowiańskich . - Warszawa: Filip Sulimierski i Władysław Walewski, 1888. - T. IX: Poźajście - Ruksze. (Pol.)