Коринфянин (типаж)

(Перенаправлено з Коринтянин)

Коринфя́нин або коринтя́нин (англ. Corinthian) — у Англії XVIII сторіччя — заможна світська людина, яка захоплюється спортом, а саме боксом, фехтуванням, стрільбою, верховою їздою тощо; водночас у поведінці та одязі, як і денді, дотримується найостаннішої моди.

Вважалось, що значна частина «коринфян» є безсоромними розпусниками.

Цей типаж став основою для кошмара Коринтянина, персонажа «Пісочного чоловіка» Ґеймана.[1]

Див. також



  1. Rich Johnston (18 січня 2022). James Tynion IV & Lisandro Estherren On The Corinthian From DC Comics. Bleeding Cool (англ.). Created by Neil Gaiman and Mike Dringenberg for The Sandman #10 in 1989, the Corinthian is a nightmare created by Dream, who destroys him for going rogue and failing to fulfill his original design. Dream later recreates him with "some changes". His most notable physical feature is his lack of eyes and in their place are two rows of small, jagged teeth in each eye socket, which he often covers with sunglasses. He can speak, eat, see, and even breathe through these mouths. According to an interview with Gaiman in The Sandman Companion, the Corinthian takes his name from his mode of behaviour; specifically, "a Corinthian" was another term for a rake: a devil-may-care, ne'er-do-well.


  • Corinthians, Dandies, Rakes and Young Blades. Historical Hussies: From Ancient Rome to Victorian England, We Love History (англ.). MARCH 11, 2016. It can be difficult to tell the difference between these different set, and quite often a gentleman had overlapping interests. There were rakes who were good enough sportsmen to be called “Corinthians,” and Corinthians who also belonged to the dandy set by virtue of the care they took with their dress. [...] Bartleby’s defines a Corinthian as “A gentleman sportsman who rides his own horses on the turf, or sails his own yacht. A member of the pugilistic club, Bond Street, London” which references the Pugilistic Club formed in 1814 as the meeting-place of the aristocratic sporting element, often called “The Fancy.” / The Corinthian was, above all, a sporting man. He drove his own horses, boxed, ride to hounds, shot and strove to be among the elite of this group would undertook these expensive as well as athletic endeavors.
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