Модуль:External links: відмінності між версіями

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Рядок 384:
{ getLabelWithoutLink( 'Q16539867', 'Ciné-Ressources' ), 'P3203', function(id) return 'http://cinema.encyclopedie.films.bifi.fr/index.php?pk=' .. id end, categoryExternalLink( 'Ciné-Ressources' ) },
{ getLabelWithoutLink( 'Q16539867', 'Ciné-Ressources' ), 'P3204', function(id) return 'http://cinema.encyclopedie.personnalites.bifi.fr/index.php?pk=' .. id end, categoryExternalLink( 'Ciné-Ressources' ) },
{ getLabelWithoutLink( 'Q1674691', 'Cinema of Israel' ), 'P3445', function(id) return 'http://www.cinemaofisrael.co.il/?p=' .. id end, categoryExternalLink( 'Cinema of Israel' ) },
{ getLabelWithoutLink( 'Q504063', 'Discogs' ), 'P1953', function(id) return 'http://www.discogs.com/artist/' .. id end, categoryExternalLink( 'Discogs' ) },
{ getLabelWithoutLink( 'Q504063', 'Discogs' ), 'P1954', function(id) return 'http://www.discogs.com/master/' .. id end, categoryExternalLink( 'Discogs' ) },
Рядок 432 ⟶ 433:
{ getLabelWithoutLink( 'Q749719', 'Turner Classic Movies' ), 'P2631', function(id) return 'http://tcmdb.com/title/title.jsp?stid=' .. id end, categoryExternalLink( 'TCM' ) },
{ getLabelWithoutLink( 'Q749719', 'Turner Classic Movies' ), 'P3056', function(id) return 'http://tcmdb.com/participant/participant.jsp?participantId=' .. id end, categoryExternalLink( 'TCM' ) },
{ getLabelWithoutLink( 'Q20828898', 'TMDb' ), 'P4947', function(id) return 'https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/' .. id end, categoryExternalLink( 'TMDb' ) },
{ getLabelWithoutLink( 'Q20828898', 'TMDb' ), 'P4983', function(id) return 'https://www.themoviedb.org/tv/' .. id end, categoryExternalLink( 'TMDb' ) },
{ getLabelWithoutLink( 'Q20828898', 'TMDb' ), 'P4985', function(id) return 'https://www.themoviedb.org/person/' .. id end, categoryExternalLink( 'TMDb' ) },
{ getLabelWithoutLink( 'Q1516429', 'Unifrance' ), 'P3961', function(id) return 'http://www.unifrance.org/film/' .. id end, categoryExternalLink( 'Unifrance' ) },
{ getLabelWithoutLink( 'Q1516429', 'Unifrance' ), 'P3980', function(id) return 'http://www.unifrance.org/annuaires/personne/' .. id end, categoryExternalLink( 'Unifrance' ) },